Title: oss.tcz Description: Open Sound System 4.2 Version: build 2011 Author: 4Front Technologies Original-site: http://www.opensound.com Copying-policy: GPL2 Size: 632K Extension_by: Curaga Tags: Open Sound System 4.2 Comments: This is a really awesome application that does many different things I think the Core community will benefit from :) - Sound will be configured automatically when you load the extension. However if you wish to see the messages, the command is "sudo soundon".(sudo soundoff && sudo soundon) - The optional GUI mixer (ossxmix.tcz) depends on GTK2; the command-line mixer, ossmix, works in all systems. - Some of the included apps: ossplay Wave player ossrecord Wave recorder ossmix Console mixer osstest A sound test ossinfo Displays information about your sound - Detected hardware and saved volume settings are in /usr/lib/oss/etc, so you might want to add that to your backup. - Note: to compile apps that use OSS, no need to have OSS loaded. The header file is in compiletc. Change-log: 2008/07/06 Original for 2008/07/23 Updated for 2.6.26-tinycore, added menu items 2008/07/27 Updated menu items for the new /tmp/tcz.menu 2008/10/10 Updated menu items to JWM format 2009/04/11 Update to 4.1 for, gtk2 mixer 2009/12/17 Updated startup script to handle non-standard module location 2010/01/25 Added /etc/asound.conf, separated gtk2 mixer 2010/03/25 Updated config files writable 2010/05/12 Update to 4.2 for TC 3, modules separated 2010/05/19 Made usr/lib/oss/etc writable 2011/09/09 Update to 4.2 b2005 for TC 4 Current: 2016/12/29 Updated for TC 7 (by Coreplayer2)