#!/bin/sh # we are root export CFLAGS="-mtune=generic -Os -pipe" export CXX="g++ -flto -fuse-linker-plugin -mtune=generic -Os -pipe \ -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti" P=feh USER=`cat /etc/sysconfig/tcuser` LIST="compiletc submitqc5 wget imlib2-dev Xorg-7.7-dev libexif-dev " for Z in $LIST do su -c "tce-load -i $Z" $USER done # wget fails for http://feh.finalrewind.org/feh-2.13.1.tar.bz2 # use a browser to RH click and save as target tar jxvf $P-2.13.1.tar.bz2 cd $P* make curl=0 exif=1 mkdir -p /tmp/$P make install DESTDIR=/tmp/$P cd /tmp # strip ##### strip --strip-all $P/usr/local/bin/* # create doc ########## mkdir -p $P-doc/usr/local/share mv $P/usr/local/share/man $P-doc/usr/local/share/ mv $P/usr/local/share/doc $P-doc/usr/local/share/ # add icon pathway ############### echo 'X-FullPathIcon=/usr/local/share/feh/images/feh.png'\ >> $P/usr/local/share/applications/$P.desktop # add MIT license to all software ########################## mkdir -p $P/usr/local/share/doc/$P cp -f $P-2.13.1/COPYING $P/usr/local/share/doc/$P/ cp -f $P-2.13.1/COPYING $P-doc/usr/local/share/doc/$P/ # create TCZ ########### LIST2="$P $P-doc " for Z in $LIST2 do mksquashfs $Z $Z.tcz md5sum $Z.tcz > $Z.tcz.md5.txt cd $Z find usr -not -type d > /tmp/$Z.tcz.list cd /tmp done # create depend files ################ echo 'imlib2.tcz libexif.tcz libXinerama.tcz ' > $P.tcz.dep # create info files let submitqc5 add size echo "Title: feh.tcz TESTING Description: Image viewer Version: 2.13.1 Author: see -doc/AUTHORS Original-site: http://feh.finalrewind.org/ Copying-policy: see COPYING Size: Extension_by: gordon64 Tags: image viewer Comments: Image viewer. x86 maintainer=Juanito, Averyeng I acknowledge that I have complied with the MIT license in using this software. compiled for Corepure64 Change-log: 2015/09/01 first version Current: 2015/09/01 " > $P.tcz.info echo "Title: feh-doc.tcz Description: docs for feh Version: 2.13.1 Author: see -doc/AUTHORS Original-site: http://feh.finalrewind.org/ Copying-policy: see COPYING Size: Extension_by: gordon64 Tags: feh Comments: Image viewer. x86 maintainer=Juanito, Averyeng I acknowledge that I have complied with the MIT license in using this software. compiled for Corepure64 Change-log: 2015/09/01 first version Current: 2015/09/01 " > $P-doc.tcz.info submitqc5