Title: file-roller.tcz Description: An archive manager for GNOME. Version: 3.8.4 Author: Paolo Bacchilega Original-site: http://www.gnome.org Copying-policy: GPL-2 Size: 248KB Extension_by: Arslan S. Tags: An archive manager for GNOME Comments: Optional dependency: arj Change-log: 2010/01/23 Original 2.29.3 2010/02/07 Updated init script 2010/02/20 Added nautilus plugin 2010/08/02 Updated to 2.30.2 2010/11/29 Updated to 2.32.1 2012/10/09 Updated to 3.6.0 Current: 2013/09/01 updated 3.6.0 -> 3.8.4 (juanito)