Title: xtrans.tcz Description: xcompmgr + transset-df Version: 1.0 Author: Keith Packard (xcompmgr), Daniel Forchheimer (transset-df) Copying-policy: GPL Size: 24K Extension_by: Martin C Tags: xcompmgr + transset-df Comments: This requires a video driver that supports the Composite extension. I use NVIDIA. This extension will not run without it. In .X.d, I recommend a script containing "xcompmgr -n -D 0.0 &" (without quotes) to start the composite manager, then if you like, placing: "[ -n "$WINDOWID" ] && transset-df -i $WINDOWID >/dev/null" (again, without quotes) at the bottom of your .ashrc and/or .bashrc files for automatic 50% transparency whenever you open a terminal. Looks pretty interesting. I recommend disabling Aterm transparency in .Xdefaults as well. Change-log: ---- Current: 2012/01/01 First version of extension 1.0