Title: xnp2.tcz Description: Xnp2 is a port for UNIX with X11 of "Neko Project II" PC-9801 emulator. Version: 0.83 Author: NONAKA Kimihiro Original-site: http://http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~aw9k-nnk/np2/ Copying-policy: GPL v2 Size: 336K Extension_by: awabimakoto Tags: PC9801 emulator Comments: You need font.bmp to display characters correctly. If you encounter errors, delete the .np2 folder in your home directory. Configured with --enable-ia32 parameter. Type "xnp2" to run the emulator. ---- Compiled for TC 4.x ---- PPI Compatible Change-log: 2013/01/09 First version. Current: 2013/01/09 First version.