Title: weechat.tcz Description: fast, light and extensible chat client Version: 0.4.1 Author: Various see usr/local/share/doc/tcz-name/AUTHORS Original-site: http://weechat.org Copying-policy: GPL v3 Size: 1012K Extension_by: aus9 Tags: weechat IRC chat Comments: WeeChat is an IRC chat client with curses frontend. $ weechat-curses (starts weechat) /connect irc.freenode.net /join #tinycorelinux ---when fully loaded change your nickname pls with /nick newnickname You can make it automatic see .weechat folder/irc.conf ############# WARNING########## Sometimes, there may be a security risk so pls read http://www.weechat.org/security/ If you are upgrading and if you have any issues then delete /home/tc/.weechat ** OPTIONAL TCZs: weechat-scripts to gain more features AND add one or more scripting languages relevant to the script. Online documents are preferred to our manpage http://weechat.org/files/doc/stable/weechat_user.en.html /plugin list (to see what plugin are loaded at start up before connect command or join command) /help (to get help) .weechat/logs may need to be added to your .xfiletool.lst if you enable logs If you use a firewall allow out port 6667 pls Please read weechat-scripts especially to enable spelling error with color Change-log: 2010/07/23 First version by blofsy 2013/01/04 Updated to aus9 2013/01/22 Updated to 0.4 Current: 2013/05/23 updated to 0.4.1 for security updates