Title: weechat-scripts.tcz Description: scriptss for weechat Version: 2013.01.06 Author: weechat team Original-site: http://weechat.org/files/src Copying-policy: GPL v3 Size: 880K Extension_by: aus9 Tags: IRC chat weechat plugins Comments: Recommended to give you maximum options over weechat.tcz Scripts (Plugins) for weechat. Enables scripting languages scripts but no script languages have been set in the depends file. You decide which script to load or edit depends file pls. ############# Warning: scripts are unofficial ################ The scripts are downloaded into /home/tc.weechat when you run /script install and remain there unless you change your persistence settings. if you like inxi.tcz, set its colors first then, it can be used by weechat /script install shell.py (you need python.tcz) /shell -o inxi -bx (set your colors in terminal with inxi first) http://weechat.org/files/doc/stable/weechat_user.en.html /help (to get help)....when you see / ----it means weechat command and ------must be used to tell weechat to execute something To setup aspell pls read http://dev.weechat.org/post/2008/10/18/Aspell-plugin-is-born-again eg multilingual users might open weechat and run /set aspell.check.default_dict "en,de" /set aspell.check.enabled "on" /set aspell.check.real_time "on" -------Screen should show they are accepted /quit (and restart and test with) /aspell (to show new options) ----I recommend you do not edit the text conf file! After aspell is set, as you type, the word remains in red until you press space and word is good OR remains in red at input screen when you start typing next word If you use persistence, most scripts will be enabled check your first weechat screen pls. scripts tcz = plugins does not have a version number, made into a date version Change-log: 2013/01/06 First version Current: 2013/01/06 for TC 4.x 5x