Title: surfraw.tcz Description: Shell User's Revolutionary Front Rage Against the Web Version: 2.2.8 Author: Julian Assange et. al Original-site: surfraw.alioth.debian.org Copying-policy: Public Domain Size: 100K Extension_by: solorin Tags: Shell User's Revolutionary Front Rage Against Web Comments: Surfraw's default browser is set to conkeror, because that was installed when the package was made. :P To configure with the text browser elinks for example, edit .surfraw.conf with the following: SURFRAW_text_browser=/usr/local/bin/elinks SURFRAW_graphical=no You will need perl for many search scripts(elvi), such as google, to work. From the docs: If you wish to run the elvi directly, run "surfraw-update-path" to append /usr/local/lib/surfraw to your $PATH in your shell's config files. For any further clarification refer to website or docs in surfraw-doc.tcz. Change-log: 11/16/11 Initial build Current: 11/16/11 Initial build