Title: squashfs-tools-4.x.tcz Description: Compressed read-only file system tools. Version: 4.2 Author: Phillip Lougher Original-site: http://squashfs.sourceforge.net/ Copying-policy: GPL Size: 104K Extension_by: Jason W Tags: Compressed read-only file system tools. Comments: This extension contains mksquashfs and unsquashfs. It uses zlib, no LZO/XZ support is included. To make a squashfs image of a directory: # mksquashfs directory/ filename.extensionname This extension is PPI compatible. Defaults to 4096 block size used by TC extensions Change-log: ---- 2009/03/18 First version 3.4. 2009/04/19 Bumped to 4.0. 2009/06/06 Changed default permissions to 664 (Curaga) 2009/11/11 Changed default block size to 4kb. 2010/10/13 Updated to 4.1 Current: 2011/03/20 Updated to 4.2 and kept support for xattr's but disabled it as default.