Title: openttd.tcz Description: openTTD is a reimplenetation of transport tycoon deluxe Version: 1.2.3 Author: openTTD Team Original-site: http://openttd.org Copying-policy: GPL v2 Size: 9.3M Extension_by: yoshi314 Tags:openttd game ttd Comments:OpenTTD is a reimplementation of a classic game Transport Tycoon Deluxe. The package contains bare minimun required to run the game - only the graphical files are provided. In order to have sound effects, music or other addons, run the game and go into "online updates" menu. From there you can fetch SFX packs ( to have sound ) and music packs, as well as alternate graphics and additional scenarios. For music, you might require a midi engine ( timidity ). All addons will be stored in ~/.openttd, keep in mind that they quickly grow in size if you use many addons. You might want to symlink that directory to a external storage device not to use up too much ram. X server with 2D acceleration is recommended, but probably not required. ---- Compiled for TC 4.x ---- Change-log: 2013/01/02 Version 1.2.3 Current: 2013/01/02 Version 1.2.3