Title: ntop.tcz Description: Network Traffic Probe (TESTING) Version: 4.0.3 Author: Luca Deri Original-site: http://www.ntop.org/ Copying-policy: GPLv2 Size: 29M Extension_by: robc Tags: Network Traffic Probe Comments: This package requires python, geoip, libgdbm, libpcap, rrdtool, and their deps. NOTE: /usr/local/share/ntop and its contents must be owned by the user that will use ntop. It is set to $USER:staff upon installation. ---------------------------------------------- Please see the man page for additional information. Also see http://www.ntop.org/ for more information. ---------------------------------------------- Change-log: 2009/08/12 Original 2010/11/09 Updated to v4.0.3 Current: 2010/11/09 Updated to v4.0.3