Title: lilyterm.tcz Description: lilyterm terminal emulator Version: Author: Lu, Chao-Ming Original-site: http://lilyterm.luna.com.tw/index.html Copying-policy: GPL v3 Size: 100K Extension_by: aus9 Tags: lilyterm terminal emulator shell locale Comments: lilyterm and optional -locale is tab capable terminal. With luck you have a new .config/lilyterm/default.conf Othwise do this pls $ mkdir .config/lilyterm $ cp /usr/local/etc/xdg/lilyterm.conf .config/lilyterm/default.conf If you enable full screen, use $ exit (to exit) SUPPORT is here http://lilyterm.luna.com.tw/html/document.html --take note of rendering speed and key bindings especially for tabs --you may need to press enter to get a prompt YMMV Change-log: 2010/07/23 First version 0.9.8 maintainer blofsy too numerous to list see http://lilyterm.luna.com.tw/html/changelog.html 2012/11/02 new maintainer and version updated Current: 2012/11/02 version