Title: kdelibs.tcz Description: KDE core libraries. Version: 4.7.3 Author: KDE development team Original-site: http://www.kde.org Copying-policy: GPL/LGPL/FDL Size: 20M Extension_by: Arslan S. Tags: KDE core libraries. Comments: Optional dependencies: enchant.tcz pcre.tcz qt-4.x-designer.tcz qt-4.x-webkit.tcz openexr.tcz jasper.tcz qca.tcz polkit-qt-1.tcz xdg-utils.tcz shared-mime-info.tcz shared-desktop-ontologies.tcz hicolor-icon-theme.tcz Xorg-7.6.tcz Change-log: 2010/07/18 First Version 4.4.5 2010/07/27 Adjusted dep list 2010/11/09 Updated to 4.5.2 2011/01/09 Updated to 4.5.5 Current: 2011/12/04 Updated to 4.7.3