Title: grive.tcz Description: An open source Linux client for Google Drive. Version: git20120921 Author: --- Original-site: https://github.com/Grive Copying-policy: GPL-2 Size: 308K Extension_by: Arslan S. Tags: google drive client Comments: Installation: 1) You need to create a folder and authenticate it with your google account. $ mkdir grive $ cd grive $ grive -a 2) Once you have your folder authenticated run grived as a user $ grived Configuration: Default folder is ~/grive and it is synced with an interval of 300 seconds. If your folder path is different and/or you want to change sync interval then create a file in ~/.config/grived/grived.conf and set GRIVE_FOLDER and SYNC_INTERVAL variables. Change-log: --- Current: 2012/09/21 First Version