Title: freebasic.tcz Description: Free-BASIC Compiler Version: 0.23.0 Author: Free-BASIC team. Original-site: http://www.freebasic.net Copying-policy: GPL Size: 2.7M Extension_by: Alejandro Padrino Tags: Free-BASIC Compiler Comments: This extension requires: ncurses.tcz and compiletc.tcz This extension contains: Free-BASIC setup file. Files: /usr/local/bin/FreeBASIC-0.23.0-linux.run /usr/local/bin/Free-Basic_Compiler.Sh /usr/local/bin/freebasic.tcz.dep /usr/local/tce.installed/freebasic Notes: After loading freebasic.tcz, open terminal and type 'fbc' command. Sample startup script included. ------------------------ Change-log: 2011/11/22 - Original .tcz package by Alejandro Padrino.