Title: emesene.tcz Description: An MSN Messenger Client. Version: 2.11.9 Author: --- Original-site: http://www.emesene.org/ Copying-policy: GPL/LGPL Size: 2.8M Extension_by: Arslan S. Tags: An MSN Messenger Client. Comments: Optional dependencies: Webcam: gst-python, gst-plugins-good Notification: notify-python Wink Receiving: cabextract Spelling: python-gtkspell, ispell or hunspell and a dictionary DBus: dbus-python This extension is PPI compatible. Change-log: 2010/03/11 Original 1.6 2010/08/03 Updated to 1.6.3 and built against python 2.7 Current: 2011/10/19 Updated to 2.11.9