Title: circuit.tcz Description: electronic circuit simulator Version: 1.5n Author: Paul Falstad Original-site: http://www.falstad.com/circuit/ Copying-policy: custom: http://www.falstad.com/licensing.html Size: 192K Extension_by: vinnie Tags: circuit electric electronic simulator Comments: Tested with "jre7.tcz" generated by "java-installer.tcz" ---- This is a simple program that allows you to make dynamic tests and in real time. To save the file you need to export the code using the function in menu and save it to a text file. If you want to have access to our circuits from the program interface you can edit the file according to the tcontents of circuit pack-examples.tcz. You can also edit the executable in /usr/local/bin/circuit to keep your circuits in another directory, for example by starting the program from your home. ---- Change-log: First version Current: 2012/11/06 First version 1.5n