Title: cairo-dock-core.tcz Description: Cairo-Dock is a pretty, light and convenient interface to your desktop. Version: 3.0.1 Author: Cairo-Dock Team Original-site: https://launchpad.net/cairo-dock-core Copying-policy: GPL-3 Size: 1.1M Extension_by: Arslan S. Tags: Cairo-Dock is a pretty, light and convenient interface to your desktop. Comments: It uses Cairo / OpenGL to render nice graphics (many in correlation with Compiz) with hardware acceleration. It's fully configurable and customizable and can be a taskbar too. You can easily plug applets into it or in a desklet mode. This extension requires Xorg. Change-log: 2010/12/04 First Version 2.2.0-4 Current: 2012/06/13 Updated to 3.0.1