Title: SpaceFM.tcz (TESTING) Description: file manager Version: 0.8.6 Author: Various, see AUTHORS Original-site: https://github.com/IgnorantGuru/spacefm Copying-policy: GPL v3 Size: 612K Extension_by: aus9 Tags: file manager spacefm Comments: SpaceFM is a multi-panel tabbed file manager for Linux with built-in VFS, udev-based device manager, customizable menu system, and bash integration. I have not set your web browser, Help -> Options -> browser. Insert the actual executable name pls (eg chromium-browser). No need to set url. Before running SpaceFM start read the dbus.tcz and setup it up pls. OPTIONAL dependency eject.tcz $ sudo eject (will eject most optical disks) At the moment clean umounting of usb disks is $ sudo umount /mnt/sdxn (change xn to letter number as appropriate) built for TC 4.x Change-log: 2013/02/09 First version 0.8.5 2013/03/07 Fix wbar icons Current: 2013/03/07 Fix wbar icons