Title: qvwm.tcz Description: Windows 95/98 like window manager for X11 Version: QVWM 1x "1 April 2006" "Version 1.1.12-8-IKu" Author: Kenichi Kourari, Ivan Kurmanow, Falk Hueffner, Shuichi OONO Original-site: http://www.qvwm.org/ Copying-policy: GPL Size: 964K Extension_by: neonix Tags: qvwm window manager X11 95 96 windows wm Comments: Qvwm is a simple, lightweight Windows 95-like window manager for X11. It looks much like Windows 95/98, and provides the functions of start menu, taskbar, task switcher, configurable keyboard shortcuts and an imitation of desktop shortcuts. Also, it supports virtual screen and a pager functions, which are common for X window managers. Furthermore, it deals with any languages because it is considered with internationalization. -------- Though qvwm's official version has been released, it may be not stable enough in some environments. I am not responsible for any damages arising out of the use of qvwm. -------- Change-log: 2024/05/26 first version Current: 2024/05/26 first version TC15.x (neonix)