Title: wireless-mac80211fix-6.1.2-tinycore64.tcz Description: Wireless support Version: mac80211fix-6.1.2-tinycore64 Author: Various Original-site: http://kernel.org Copying-policy: GPL Size: 4.5M Extension_by: gnuser Tags: wifi mediatek mt7612u mt7610u hostapd wireless Comments: ---------- - includes patched mac80211 kernel module, which fixes kernel panic when using USB wireless adapters with mt7612u or mt7610u chipset - if you would like to use this patched version of the extension instead of the default version, do this: $ tce-load -wi wireless-mac80211fix-KERNEL $ cd /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/optional $ mv wireless-mac80211fix-6.1.2-tinycore64.tcz wireless-6.1.2-tinycore64.tcz $ rm wireless*-6.1.2-tinycore64.tcz.md5.txt $ sed -i 's/mac80211fix-//' ../onboot.lst - refs: https://tinyurl.com/bdhk3ru9 https://tinyurl.com/yevff3yb ---------- Change-log: ---------- Current: 2023/01/21 Original