Title: sway.tcz Description: Tiling desktop for Wayland Version: 1.8.1 Author: Drew DeVault Original-site: https://github.com/swaywm/sway Copying-policy: Accompanied Size: 5.2M Extension_by: aus9 Tags: wayland sway Comments: Online wikis https://github.com/swaywm/sway/wiki https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Sway Your config is $HOME/.config/sway/config This TCE may suit members who do not mind reading the config and using keyboard shortcuts/combinations to launch their fav apps. You can still use a mouse to shift focus, or click into an already opened workspace or for web browsing. Know your active App is the last loaded app on your current workspace. OR its the one with the blue titlebar, while inactive Apps are black titlebar. If you change ~/.config/sway/config, run from within sway logo + z (see config ) --and check for no errors appearing at top of monitor. FIRST TIME USE ############### Download this App and sway-dot, then load sway-dot $ tce-load -i sway-dot If you make changes to z and z crashes, delete it and reload sway-dot. VIDEO DRIVERS ############# Closed source drivers are not supported by sway. How to start Sway ########### Exit to prompt and run as non-root user please $ z Running Sway ############ Read the auto started help.txt file in sway. Exit Sway for shutdown/reboot/exit to prompt ######### press logo + e Optional dependencies ################## leafpad can be removed from dep file if you prefer something else. lxterminal but make sure you modify and test config please, as you need a terminal set. grim and slurp (take screenshots) dmenu (a launcher. Must have xwayland loaded and enabled) wl-clipboard (terminal clipboard manager if not using a terminal with copy and paste support) swaylock (lock screen read info please) ######## xwayland allows most apps to run on wayland. I recommend you remove wbar, from boot list, if you like sway. You can not use logo + l (or) r as these interfere with shortcuts with logo + left (<- arrow) to shift focus to App left of current active app. Ditto right (-> arrow) Which is why leafpad can not use logo + l caplock is set to off---numlock to on...see config if interested 2 gremlins ########## 1) in sway for sudo su users, command echo $PATH gives a reduced set of pathways to executables run PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin 2) Going from sway -> prompt -> startx local user loses full pathway too! same fix as above PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin Note I do not use ondemand Change-log: 2019/05/30 Original 1.0 on 10x 2020/07/11 -> 1.4 on 11x install script moved to sway-dot Current: 2023/05/02 -> 1.8.1 on 14x now depends on seatd TCE