Title: qmplay2.tcz Description: QT5 alsa media player Version: 23.02.05 Author: https://github.com/zaps166/QMPlay2/blob/master/AUTHORS Original-site: https://github.com/zaps166/QMPlay2 Copying-policy: LGPL v3 Size: 2.2M Extension_by: aus9 Tags: audio video player alsa Comments: Pulseaudio/pipewire disabled by compile. ALSA, Xorg or Xorg 3d needs to be setup first. dep file does not have Xorg or Xorg (3d) set. alsa users may need more dependencies. Youtube needs python downloaded + installed. TCE downloads and updates youtube-dl to ~/.qmplay2 where other files can be found, including log. dejavu-fonts-ttf.tcz provides glyph 0x266a. To play audio cd -> Playlist (or Alt + P) Click + -> select audiocd Vulkan users please read vulkan-tools. This TCE can search youtube or internet radio. Change-log: 2020/07/01 Original 20.05.02 11x Current: 2023/03/21 v 23.02.05 on 14x