Title: gnome-terminal.tcz Description: The terminal emulator of GNOME Version: 3.40.0 Author: Guilherme de S. Pastore, Havoc Pennington, Mariano Suarez-Alvarez Original-site: http://www.gnome.org Copying-policy: GPL-2 Size: 196KB Extension_by: Arslan S. Tags: terminal emulator gnome gtk+ gtk3 Comments: This extension is PPI compatible ---- Change-log: 2010/06/16 Original 2.28.2 2010/07/23 Updated to 2.30.2 2010/12/02 Updated to 2.32.1 2013/09/01 updated 2.32.1 -> 3.8.4 2015/07/11 updated 3.8.4 -> 3.16.2 (juanito) 2016/09/20 updated 3.16.2 -> 3.22.0 (juanito) 2017/04/13 updated 3.22.0 -> 3.22.2 (juanito) 2018/05/12 updated 3.22.2 -> 3.28.1 (juanito) 2020/03/16 updated 3.28.1 -> (juanito) 2021/02/07 updated -> 3.36.2 (juanito) 2021/04/14 updated 3.36.2 -> 3.40.0 (juanito) Current: 2022/02/27 adjusted default font (juanito)