Title: bash.tcz Description: bash for tinycore Version: 5.2.15 Author: Chet Ramey Original-site: www.gnu.org/software/bash/ Copying-policy: GPL Size: 548KB Extension_by: Jason W Tags: bash Comments: Bash is a shell for Linux This extension is PPI compatible ---------- Change-log: 2008/07/23 First version 2008/09/09 Removed the symlink /bin/sh -> /bin/bash /bin/sh needs to remain pointing to busybox ash 2008/11/27 Recompiled for 486 and size optimization 2009/02/02 Made PPI compatible 2009/04/05 Added basic bashrc 2009/09/19 Upgraded to version 4.0 2010/02/21 Corrected startup script to not overwrite existing /usr/local/etc/bashrc. 2011/05/24 Copying .bashrc to /etc/skel/ 2013/06/12 compiled for TC-5.0 (3.8.10 Kernel) patched 1-45 & updated by coreplayer2 2014/09/18 updated 4.2 -> 4.3 patches 0-25 (juanito) 2015/07/29 updated 4.3 -> 4.3.30 patches -> 39 (juanito) 2015/09/27 adjusted startup script (juanito) 2016/10/20 updated 4.3.30 -> 4.4 (juanito) 2017/12/09 updated 4.4 -> 4.4.12 (juanito) 2018/03/16 recompiled against updated readline (juanito) 2018/04/05 added missing startup script back (juanito) 2018/11/11 updated 4.4.12 -> 4.4.18 (juanito) 2020/12/21 updated 4.4.18 -> 5.1 (juanito) 2021/11/04 updated 5.1 -> 5.1.8 (juanito) Current: 2022/12/26 updated 5.1.8 -> 5.2.15 (juanito)