Title: get-chromium-browser.tcz Description: Script to get latest chromium-browser package from RaspiOS Version: 1 Author: Tinycore Original-site: Tinycore Copying-policy: open source Size: 16k Extension_by: aus9/paul-123 Tags: web browser chromium Comments: from a shell prompt run "get-chromium-latest.sh" Proceed at your own risk, script attempts to download a debian browser and its codec package -> create TCE & inject it into your TCEDIR You will need over 500MB of free ram or free space to download and build package. The final extension is about 150MB When script has finished and you have loaded TCE, wbar icon should launch or try terminal command $ chromium-browser Example startup scripts in /usr/local/share/get-chromium-browser/files Change-log: 2023/07/29 v 1 on 14.x arm7(l) or aarch64 Current: 2023/07/29