Title: yelp-xsl.tcz Description: yelp xsl stylesheets Version: 40.0 Author: see list of sites below Original-site: see list of sites below Copying-policy: see list of sites below Size: 372KB Extension_by: juanito Tags: help xsl gtk+ gtk3 gnome dev Comments: xsl stylesheets used by the yelp help browser ---------- This extension contains: yelp-xsl-40.0 - GPLv2 - https://download.gnome.org/sources/yelp-xsl/40/yelp-xsl-40.0.tar.xz ---------- Change-log: 2015/07/09 first version 2018/05/17 updated 3.16.1 -> 3.28.0 2020/08/13 updated 3.28.0 -> 3.36.0 (Sashank999) Current: 2021/04/02 updated 3.36.0 -> 40.0