Title: remmina.tcz Description: remmina - GTK+ Remote Desktop Client Version: 1.4.13 Author: Various Original-site: http://remmina.org Copying-policy: GPL v2 Size: 552KB Extension_by: gutmensch Tags: remote desktop vnc xdmcp rdp gtk+ gtk3 Comments: GTK+ Remote Desktop Client with multiple protocol support ---------- can optionally use the freerdp2 and libsecret extensions ---------- Change-log: 2010/12/13 Initial version 0.9.0 2010/12/16 Fixed missing shared-mime-info dep 2010/12/19 Bump to 0.9.1 2010/12/20 Added gnome-icon-theme as dep 2010/12/28 Bump to 0.9.2 2011/02/06 Bump to 0.9.3 2013/03/07 Bump to 1.0.0 2016/10/11 updated 1.0.0 -> 1.2.0-rcgit.15 (juanito) 2016/11/10 updated to latest stable version 1.1.2 (Zlika) 2021/04/19 updated 1.1.2 -> 1.4.13 (juanito) Current: 2021/04/19 added plugins (juanito)