Title: readline7.tcz Description: The GNU Readline Library Version: 7.0 Author: Chet Ramey Original-site: http://cnswww.cns.cwru.edu/php/chet/readline/rltop.html Copying-policy: GPL v3 Size: 128KB Extension_by: bmarkus Tags: LIBRARY Comments: Libraries ---- Compiled for RPI ---- Patches 001-005 applied Change-log: 2013/06/04 First version, 6.2 2014/05/08 Updated to 6.3 2014/09/18 recompiled on tc-6.x (juanito) 2016/10/20 updated 6.3 -> 7.0 (juanito) 2018/03/02 recompiled against ncursesw (juanito) Current: 2020/12/24 renamed (juanito)