Title: proftpd.tcz Description: FTP, SFTP and FTPS server Version: 1.3.7 Author: Michael Renner, Daniel Roesen, John Morrissey, TJ Saunders Original-site: http://www.proftpd.org Copying-policy: see list of sites below Size: 792K Extension_by: bonbob Tags: FTP FTPS SFTP server Comments: FTP, SFTP and FTPS server ---------- edit /usr/local/etc/proftpd.conf and run proftpd $ sudo /usr/local/etc/init.d/proftpd {start|stop|restart|status} ---------- This extension contains: proftpd-1.3.7rc3 - ftp://ftp.proftpd.org/distrib/source/proftpd-1.3.7rc3.tar.gz ---------- Change-log: 2020/05/25 first version 1.3.7 Current: 2020/05/25 version 1.3.7