Title: gst-plugins-ugly.tcz Description: GStreamer Ugly Plugins Version: 1.16.2 Author: --- Original-site: http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org Copying-policy: LGPL Size: 140KB Extension_by: juanito, Arslan S., jlslegalize@gmail.com Tags: gstreamer ugly plugins Comments: optionally can be used with the: lame and x264_148 extensions ---------- Change-log: 2013/04/27 First version 1.0.7 (jls_legalize) 2013/08/01 renamed for tc-5.x (juanito) 2013/09/17 updated 1.0.7 -> 1.0.10 (juanito) 2018/12/13 updated 1.0.10 -> 1.14.4 (juanito) Current: 2020/01/18 updated 1.14.4 -> 1.16.2 (juanito)