Title: gmp.tcz Description: The GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library Version: 6.2.1 Author: various (http://gmplib.org/manual/Contributors.html#Contributors) Original-site: https://gmplib.org/ Copying-policy: GNU LGPL v3 and GNU GPL v2 Size: 216KB Extension_by: robc/juanito Tags: gmp arbitrary precision arithmetic Comments: gnu mp is a library for arbitrary precision arithmetic, operating on signed integers, rational numbers, and floating point numbers This extension is PPI compatible. Change-log: 2009/05/06 Original 2009/06/03 Updated to 4.3.1, rebuilt for TC 2.X 2009/06/03 re-compiled to add libgmpxx and used gcc-4.4.0 so that all gmpxx tests pass 2009/07/24 recompiled for tc3 and updated -> 4.3.2 2010/03/05 recompiled for tc4, split out devs and updated 4.3.2 -> 5.0.2 2011/08/16 added libgmp.so.3 symlink for backwards compatibility 2012/04/21 recompiled for i486 compatibility 2013/03/23 updated 5.08 -> 5.1.1 2014/09/18 updated 5.1.1 -> 6.0.0a 2015/10/02 recompiled on tc-7.x 2016/10/20 updated 6.0.0a -> 6.1.1 2017/12/09 updated 6.1.1 -> 6.1.2 2018/11/04 recompiled on tc-10.x 2019/11/29 recompiled on tc-11.x 2020/09/06 updated version, 6.2.0 (rhermsen) Current: 2020/12/21 updated 6.2.0 -> 6.2.1