Title: firmware-rtlwifi.tcz Description: firmware for Realtek Wireless LAN Version: 20200619 Author: Various Original-site: https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/\ kernel/git/firmware/linux-firmware.git Copying-policy: Distributable Size: 948K Extension_by: aus9 Tags: firmware realtek wifi Comments: WARNING Updates may have removed some firmware files. Use Apps -> Browse -> pulldown provides Then search for your firmware. If not found, do not update please. Delete its md5 txt file if you do not want to see updates in the future. Change-log: 2013/07/01 Original for tc5.x (bmarkus) 2014/03/04 updated for piCore-5.2 2014/04/25 Added rtl8188eufw.bin 2014/10/17 Added rtl8192cufw_TMSC.bin 2015/06/02 updated (coreplayer2) 2017/03/17 updated (coreplayer2) 2018/02/25 updated (coreplayer2) 2018/12/24 updated (coreplayer2) Current: 2020/06/20 updated (aus9) + dir=rtw88, some fw removed