NEW features of smake-1.2a28: - make sure a rule like: ../somedir/target: ../somedir/source will not be falsely detected as Simple Suffix rule - Expand the right side if a VPATH= statement to allow VPATH=$(srcdir) to work. - .SUFFIXES Target will no longer be overwritten but appended if asigned in a new Makefile. This allows a .SIFFIXES: .suf line in Makefile to append to the likst of the internal makefile. - CFLAGS += now works again (parser fixed). - The dynamic macro $O (.OBJDIR or "." if .OBJDIR has not been defined) may now be overwritten. This makes smake more POSIX compliant as POSIX does not include a dynamic macro $O. WARNING: Do not use 'winzip' to extract the tar file! Winzip cannot extract symbolic links correctly. Joerg