# General * A new qbsModuleProviders property was added to Project and Product items which allows to specify which providers will be run (QBS-1604). * Added a new library for reading *.pc files which allows to avoid launching multiple pkg-config processes and also gives QBS more information about dependencies between *.pc files (QBS-1615). * A new qbspkgconfig provider was added which will replace the fallback provider (QBS-1614). This new provider uses the built-in library and is capable of setting Qt libraries as well. * capnproto and protobuf modules can now use runtime provided by the qbspkgconfig provider. * A new ConanfileProbe.verbose property was added which can be useful to debug problems with Conan. * Qbs no longer migrates the "profiles/" dir from earlier Qbs versions (QTCREATORBUG-26475). Old directories might be cleaned up manually. * FileInfo now always uses high-precision timer on all OSes. * Fixed a problem with overriding stringList properties in ModuleProviders from command-line. # C/C++ Support * Added support for c++23. * Add Elbrus E2K architecture for the GCC toolchain (QBS-1675). * COSMIC cpp module now avoids using relative file paths as much as possible. * Some refactoring was done in the cpp modules to share more code. # Android Support * Added Android.ndk.buildId property which allows to overwrite the default value (sha1) for the --build-id linker flag. * Fixed reading *.prl files with Qt >= 6.0. * Fixed rcc path with Qt >= 6.2. # Documentation * Added a new page with the list of ModuleProviders. * Qt provider now has its own page. * Clarified that application won't be runnable by default, unless env or rpaths are set correctly. # Infrastructure * Added standalone job for building documentation. * Xcode version was bumped to 12.5.1. * Added OpenSUSE Leap docker image. * Added Android tests with different NDK versions. * Fixed QMake build with Qt 6. # Contributors * Christian Kandeler * Christian Stenger * Davide Pesavento * Denis Shienkov * Ivan Komissarov * Kai Dohmen * Orgad Shaneh * Raphaël Cotty * Richard Weickelt * Thorbjørn Lindeijer