# Language * The `PathProbe` item was extended to support looking for multiple files and filtering candidate files. # C/C++ Support * Added support for Visual Studio 2019. * Added support for clang-cl. * Various improvements for bare-metal toolchains, including new example projects and support for the SDCC toolchain. # Qt Support * Added the `Qt.android_support.extraLibs` property. # Other modules * The `pkgconfig` module now has a `sysroot` property. * Added gRPC support to the `protobuf.cpp` module. # Android Support * Removed support for NDK < r19. * Added new `Android.sdk` properties `versionCode` and `versionName`. # Infrastructure * Added configuration files for Travis CI. * Various fixes and improvements in the Debian Docker image; updated to to Qt 5.11.3. # Contributors * BogDan Vatra * Christian Kandeler * Christian Stenger * Davide Pesavento * Denis Shienkov * hjk * Ivan Komissarov * Joerg Bornemann * Richard Weickelt