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Application may misbehave.dbus_bus_registerdbus_connection_unreforg.freedesktop.DBus/org/freedesktop/DBus2NameAcquired(QString)2serviceRegistered(QString)2NameLost(QString)2serviceUnregistered(QString)2NameOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString)2serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString)StartServiceByNameRequestNameGetNameOwnerListNamesNameHasOwnerReleaseNameGetConnectionUnixUserGetConnectionUnixProcessIDConnecting to deprecated signal QDBusConnectionInterface::serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString)dbus_error_is_setQDBusError(, dbus_connection_dispatchdbus_watch_get_enableddbus_watch_get_flagsdbus_watch_handledbus_message_unrefdbus_timeout_get_intervaldbus_watch_get_unix_fddbus_pending_call_unrefdoDispatch()dbus_message_set_no_replydbus_connection_set_dispatch_status_functiondbus_connection_set_watch_functionsdbus_connection_set_timeout_functionsdbus_connection_set_exit_on_disconnectdbus_connection_senddbus_connection_add_filterdbus_pending_call_block2destroyed(QObject*)1objectDestroyed(QObject*)2relaySignal(QObject*,const QMetaObject*,int,QVariantList)1relaySignal(QObject*,const QMetaObject*,int,QVariantList)dbus_server_allocate_data_slotdbus_server_set_watch_functionsdbus_server_set_timeout_functionsdbus_server_set_new_connection_functiondbus_server_set_datadoDispatchQ_DBUS_BLOCKING_CALL_MAIN_THREAD_WARNING_MSQDBusBlockingCallWatcher: Q_DBUS_BLOCKING_CALL_MAIN_THREAD_WARNING_MS must be an integer; value ignoredQ_DBUS_BLOCKING_CALL_OTHER_THREAD_WARNING_MSQDBusBlockingCallWatcher: Q_DBUS_BLOCKING_CALL_OTHER_THREAD_WARNING_MS must be an integer; value ignoredQDBusConnection: warning: blocking call took a long time (%d ms, max for this thread is %d ms) to service "%s" path "%s" interface "%s" member "%s"The thread that had QDBusConnection('%s') has died and there is no main threaddbus_timeout_handledbus_timeout_get_enabledOUT OF MEM2activated(int)1socketRead(int)1socketWrite(int)/dbus_bus_get_unique_namedbus_connection_can_send_typeregisterServiceNoLock(QString)NameAcquired:org.freedesktop.DBusunregisterServiceNoLock(QString)NameLost:org.freedesktop.DBus: connected successfullyQThread(ptr=, name=emitting signal atdbus_message_copydbus_message_set_pathQDBusConnection: Could not emit signal %s.%s: %sQDBusConnection: name '%s' had owner '%s' but we thought it was '%s'Updating namefromtodbus_server_disconnectdbus_server_free_data_slotdbus_connection_closeDisconnecteddbus_server_unrefQDBusConnection(name="%s")'s last reference in not in its creation thread! Timer and socket errors will follow and the program will probably crashQDBusMessagetype='signal',%1='%2',senderpathinterfacememberarg%1='%2',QDBusConnectionPrivate::disconnectSignal: MatchRule not found in matchRefCounts!!Removing rule: %sdbus_bus_remove_matchNameOwnerChanged1serviceOwnerChangedNoLock(QString,QString,QString)QDBusArgumentdbus_threads_init_defaultQDBUS_DEBUGtype='signal',sender='org.freedesktop.DBus',interface='org.freedesktop.DBus',member='NameOwnerChanged',arg0='org.freedesktop.DBus'dbus_connection_refdbus_connection_set_allow_anonymousQDBusServer-invalidreplyerrorQDBusConnection: error: could not send message to service "%s" path "%s" interface "%s" member "%s": %sQDBusConnection: error: could not send signal path "%s" interface "%s" member "%s": %sQDBusConnection: error: could not send %s message to service "%s": %ssending message (no reply):dbus_message_get_serialany interfaceinterface '%1'No such method '%1' in %2 at object path '%3' (signature '%4')No such interface '%1' at object path '%2'No such object path '%1'Introspectorg.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectableorg.freedesktop.DBus.PropertiesGetssSetssvGetAllsInternal error: demarshalling function for type '%s' (%d) failed!Internal error: got invalid meta type %d (%s) when trying to convert to meta type %d (%s)Automatically sending reply:Internal error: Failed to deliver messageFailed to deliver messageQDBusSlotCacheObject '%1' (at path '%2') has no thread. Cannot deliver message.calling the message spy hooksending message via local-loop:Internal error trying to call %1.%2 at %3 (signature '%4'QDBusConnection: cannot call local method '%s' at object %s (with signature '%s') on blocking modelocal-loop message cannot have delayed repliesgot message via local-loop:got message (signal):dbus_pending_call_steal_replygot message reply (async):Deliver failed!2error(QDBusError,QDBusMessage)sending message (async):dbus_connection_send_with_replydbus_pending_call_set_notifyNot connected to serverOut of memorysending message (blocking):dbus_connection_send_with_reply_and_blockgot message reply (blocking):2reply(QDBusMessage)1quit()Adding rule: %sdbus_bus_add_matchWatching servicefor owner changes (current owner:)dbus_message_newdbus_message_get_senderdbus_message_set_destinationdbus_message_set_reply_serialdbus_message_refdbus_message_get_no_replyObject path cannot be emptyInvalid object path: %1Interface name cannot be emptyInvalid interface class: %1 name cannot be emptyInvalid %1 name: %2QDBusVariantCould not open lidbus-1 libraryInvalid service name: %1methoddbus_message_new_method_calldbus_message_set_auto_startError name cannot be emptyInvalid error name: %1dbus_message_set_error_namedbus_message_new_signaldbus_message_iter_init_appendMarshalling failed: QDBusMessage(type=MethodCallMethodReturnSignalErrorInvalid, service=, error name=, error message=, signature=, contents=() ), path=, interface=, member=dbus_message_get_typedbus_message_get_pathdbus_message_get_interfacedbus_message_get_error_namedbus_message_get_memberdbus_message_get_signaturedbus_message_iter_initdbus_message_set_senderdbus_server_listen2newServerConnection(QDBusConnection)2newConnection(QDBusConnection)dbus_server_get_is_connecteddbus_server_get_addressService name cannot be emptyQ_NOREPLY1_q_serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString)user typeQDBusAbstractInterface: type %s must be registered with Qt D-Bus before it can be used to read property %s.%sUnregistered type %1 cannot be handledvInvalid signature `%1' in return from call to org.freedesktop.DBus.PropertiesUnexpected `%1' (%2) when retrieving property `%3.%4' (expected type `%5' (%6))Unknown errorQDBusObjectPathQDBusSignatureFound a decoded basic type in a D-Bus reply that shouldn't be thereQDBusInterfacetypename value node propertyaccessreadwritereadwrite relaySlot()QDBusAbstractAdaptor: Cannot relay signal %s::%s: %sQDBusAbstractAdaptor: Cannot relay signal %s::%sQtDBus: cannot relay signals from parent %s(%p "%s") unless they are emitted in the object's thread %s(%p "%s"). Current thread is %s(%p "%s").D-Bus InterfacepolishInterface %1 was not found in object %2.Property %1%2%3 was not found in object %4Invalid arguments for writing to property %1%2%3Property %1%2%3 is read-onlyInternal error QDBusConnection: Unable to handle unregistered datatype '%s' for property '%s::%s'QDBusConnection: type `%s' (%d) is not registered with QtDBus. Use qDBusRegisterMetaType to register itCannot construct placeholder type QDBusRawTypeCannot destruct placeholder type QDBusRawTypeCannot create placeholder type QDBusRawTypeCannot destroy placeholder type QDBusRawType::QtMetaTypePrivate::QAssociativeIterableImplQMaporg.qtproject.QtDBus.QtTypeName.%1%2com.trolltech.QtDBus.QtTypeNameavQVariantLista{sv}QVariantMapa{ss}QMap{D-Bus type ""}QDBusRawType<0x>*InOutorg.freedesktop.DBus.Method.NoReply&,local.local.MergedInterface '%1' was not found<>& Unsupported return typein methodInvalid return type in methodSkipped method:name="%1" <%1 name="%2"> D-Bus Introspection %2 QDBusorg.qtproject.QtDBus.org.qtproject.Qt.Pointers are not supported: Unregistered output type in parameter list: Invalid method, non-output parameters after message or after output parameters: Unregistered input type in parameter list: Type not registered with QtDBus in parameter list: dbus_message_iter_append_basicdbus_message_iter_open_containerdbus_message_iter_append_fixed_arraydbus_message_iter_close_containerdbus_message_iter_get_basicdbus_message_iter_nextdbus_message_iter_recursedbus_message_iter_get_arg_typedbus_message_iter_get_element_typedbus_message_iter_get_fixed_arrayQDBusArgument: read from a write-only objectayydbus_message_iter_get_signatureInvalid file descriptor passed in argumentsQDBusMarshaller: type `%s' (%d) is not registered with D-BUS. Use qDBusRegisterMetaType to register itUnregistered type %1 passed in arguments{}QDBusMarshaller: type '%s' (%d) cannot be used as the key type in a D-BUS map.Type %1 passed in arguments cannot be used as a key in a mapasInvalid object path passed in argumentsInvalid signature passed in argumentsQDBusArgument: write from a read-only objectQDBusMarshaller: type `%s' produces invalid D-BUS signature `%s' (Did you forget to call beginStructure() ?)QDBusMarshaller: type `%s' attempts to redefine basic D-BUS type '%s' (%s) (Did you forget to call beginStructure() ?)QDBusMarshaller: cannot add an invalid QVariantVariant containing QVariant::Invalid passed in argumentsQDBusMarshaller::appendVariantInternal got a DICT_ENTRY!QDBusMarshaller::appendVariantInternal: Found unknown D-BUS type '%s'QDBusMarshaller: cannot add a null QDBusVariantUnexpected reply signature: got "%1" (%4), expected "%2" (%3)Unexpected reply signature: got "%1", expected "%2" (%3)QDBusErrorQtMetaTypePrivate::QSequentialIterableImplQListbnqiuxtdoghQDBusObjectPath: invalid path "%s"QDBusSignature: invalid signature "%s"QDBusContext2finished()1_q_finished()finishedUnexpected reply signature: got "%1", expected "%2"QDBusPendingReply: type %s is not registered with QtDBusdbus_pending_call_cancel(null)QDBusPendingCall::setReplyCallback: error: cannot deliver a reply to %s::%s (%s)QDBusPendingCallQDBUS_FORCE_SHUTDOWNdbus_shutdownlibdbus-1Cannot find libdbus-1 in your system to resolve symbol '%s'.Cannot resolve '%s' in your libdbus-1.otherorg.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Failedorg.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoMemoryorg.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknownorg.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReplyorg.freedesktop.DBus.Error.BadAddressorg.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NotSupportedorg.freedesktop.DBus.Error.LimitsExceededorg.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDeniedorg.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoServerorg.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Timeoutorg.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoNetworkorg.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AddressInUseorg.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Disconnectedorg.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgsorg.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethodorg.freedesktop.DBus.Error.TimedOutorg.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidSignatureorg.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownInterfaceorg.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownObjectorg.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownPropertyorg.freedesktop.DBus.Error.PropertyReadOnlyorg.qtproject.QtDBus.Error.InternalErrororg.qtproject.QtDBus.Error.InvalidServiceorg.qtproject.QtDBus.Error.InvalidObjectPathorg.qtproject.QtDBus.Error.InvalidInterfaceorg.qtproject.QtDBus.Error.InvalidMember(Lv9]EiAj22QDBusCallDeliveryEvent28QDBusConnectionCallbackEventorg.freedesktop.DBus_qdbus_slotCache24QDBusActivateObjectEventunix:tmpdir=/tmpNot connected.29QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate07>QDBusAbstractInterface_q_serviceOwnerChanged+ 26QDBusAbstractInterfaceBase22QDBusAbstractInterface14QDBusInterface21QDBusInterfacePrivatevsogybnqiuxtdhsogybnqiuxtdhybnqiuxtdh27QDBusAbstractAdaptorPrivate  y nhQDBusAdaptorConnectorrelaySignalobjconst QMetaObject*metaObjectsidargsrelaySlotpolish& ' +' ++21QDBusAdaptorConnector Q_NOREPLY16QDBusPendingCall30QDBusPendingCallWatcherPrivate`haR[ PQDBusPendingCallWatcherfinishedQDBusPendingCallWatcher*self_q_finished++23QDBusPendingCallWatcher26QDBusServiceWatcherPrivate QDBusServiceWatcherserviceRegisteredserviceserviceUnregisteredserviceOwnerChangedoldOwnernewOwner_q_serviceOwnerChangedwatchedServiceswatchModeWatchMode6"%(/+ + + +  Q Q 19QDBusServiceWatcher     :     QDBusConnectionInterfaceserviceRegisteredserviceserviceUnregisteredserviceOwnerChangednameoldOwnernewOwnercallWithCallbackFailedQDBusErrorerrorQDBusMessagecallNameAcquiredNameLostNameOwnerChangedregisteredServiceNamesQDBusReplyisServiceRegisteredQDBusReplyserviceNameserviceOwnerQDBusReplyunregisterServiceregisterServiceQDBusReplyServiceQueueOptionsqoptionServiceReplacementOptionsroptionservicePidQDBusReplyserviceUidstartServiceQDBusReplyDontQueueServiceQueueServiceReplaceExistingServiceDontAllowReplacementAllowReplacementRegisterServiceReplyServiceNotRegisteredServiceRegisteredServiceQueuedcfi pux{     ** ! " + + + + + + +         #  P )$%&'(*+,24QDBusConnectionInterface P LJ; ;QDBusServernewConnectionQDBusConnectionconnection+11QDBusServer D @   @       QDBusConnectionBusTypeSessionBusSystemBusActivationBusRegisterOptionsExportAdaptorsExportScriptableSlotsExportScriptableSignalsExportScriptablePropertiesExportScriptableInvokablesExportScriptableContentsExportNonScriptableSlotsExportNonScriptableSignalsExportNonScriptablePropertiesExportNonScriptableInvokablesExportNonScriptableContentsExportAllSlotsExportAllSignalsExportAllPropertiesExportAllInvokablesExportAllContentsExportAllSignalExportChildObjectsUnregisterModeUnregisterNodeUnregisterTreeQDBusAbstractAdaptor20QDBusAbstractAdaptorQDBusVirtualObject18QDBusVirtualObject       socf_T^ d`QDBusConnectionPrivateserviceOwnerChangednameoldOwnernewOwnercallWithCallbackFailedQDBusErrorerrorQDBusMessagemessagenewServerConnectionQDBusConnectionconnectiondoDispatchsocketReadsocketWriteobjectDestroyedorelaySignalobjconst QMetaObject*signalIdargsserviceOwnerChangedNoLockregisterServiceNoLockserviceNameunregisterServiceNoLock EL QT U X [ ^ gnq+ +  + ++++'+' + + + 22QDBusConnectionPrivatex nk_ UQDBusPendingCallWatcherHelperfinishedreplyQDBusMessagemsgerrorQDBusError!+++29QDBusPendingCallWatcherHelperonVVHH̓''TiWW ,XX@@4L0TD58T$WPX8l8XLY 5PEE55T$EY@HxdYdZ h[``ȕ b$`a4bX$\dxxHpTbcpmLؖtP$(Ȕdpjn8H,(m$nsȐtssPt 0x0sthtwxdyx|X~Np^yPz(pz 8X oH 2 poo ppp'p4p