Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Set 6 Set 7 Set 8 Set 9 Set 10 Set 11 Set 12 Set 13 Set 14 Set 15 Set 16 Set 17 Set 18 Set 19 Set 20 Set 21 Set 22 Set 23 Set 24 Set 25 Set 26 Set 27 Set 28 Set 29 Set 30 Set 31 Set 32 Set 33 Set 34 Set 35 Set 36 Set 37 Set 38 Set 39 Set 40 Set 41 Set 42 Set 43 Set 44 Set 45 Set 46 Set 47 Set 48 Set 49 Set 50 Set 51 Set 52 Set 53 Set 54 Set 55 Set 56 Set 57 Set 58 Set 59 Set 60 Set 61
a the la une le un
e es e ons ez ent breakdownpanne breastsein caresoin compromisecompromis grantdotation halfmoitié in this wayainsi investigationenquête levelniveau lightning/dazzlingfulgurant maneuversmenées mazedédale meshmaillage mistake, errorfaute moredavantage moundmonticule mutemuet networkréseau neverthelesscependant one year agoil y a un an placeendroit quicklyvite readyprêt vexationdépit riddlecrible rubblegravats section,piece/sidepan semblancesemblant skeletonsquelette somewherequelque part square (in front of a church)parvis submissivesoumis suspicionsoupçon targetcible thousandsmillier to appearapparaître (assembly) to sitsiéger (sport) wingerailier acknowledgmentreconnaissance act, actionacte to dentcabosser to fearredouter all the more sofortiori alreadyd'ores et déjà amongparmi anonymityanonymat anywheren'important où associate (stooge)comparse at bayabois at homeà dominicale at the edgeau bord at the time oflors beaconphare behind the scenesdans les coulisses beyondau-delà bottlebouteille carcinogeniccancérigène cash-flowchiffre d'affaires cheattricheur/euse conspiratorconjurer contempt, scornmépris(e) convenientcommode criminalcrapuleux deepprofond defectivedébile discorddésaccord hand fullpoignée informationrenseignements lackmanque perfectlyparfaitement rangegamme to enlistenrégimenter to insureassurer dwarfnain elsewhereailleurs European (pl)européenne excepthors fallenchuté first of alltout d'abord flaming brandy / hotbed of dissentbrûlot for trademarchand foretoldsusdit funeralobsèques fuzzy, blurredflou hard, painfulpénible harmlessinoffensif/ive in particularnotamment initiativeinitiative interviewentretien just for showpour la frime layoffslicenciement linefile managingdirigeant out of playhors jeu perversevicieux(euse) political partyparti predestinedprédestinait pridefierté proofpreuve reliablefiable reprisalrétorsion riddled withcriblé(e) rodentrogner/euse rotpourriture samepareil save, without`hormis secularprofane solid, sturdysolide squaredquadrillé(e) starvedette startdémarrage steelacier streamerbanderole stuck up personbêcheur/euse substituteremplaçant suburbsbanlieue suchtel(le) supplierfournisseur swollengonflé takeoffdécollage tame, tamedapprivoise(e) tearlarme televisionpetit écran the following daylendemain the leaderdirigeant the smallpoxvariole this onecelle-ci to absorb, to compareassimiler to advocatepréconiser to agree withapprouver to aimviser to appendajouter to back upépauler around (in time)vers bannerbannière bound byliées competitor/competitionconcurrent to interpretinterpréter to mastermaîtriser to thunder forthfulminer to be called on the carpetêtre sur la sellette to be ironicironiser to be scared stiffavoir la trouille to become more expensiverenchérir to blow one's nosese moucher to booby-trappiéger to borrowemprunter to break offrompre to bump intobuter to burst, to break outéclater to buy upracheter to buzz offse casser to call to mindévoquer to cast offappareiller to change one's mindse raviser to clarifypréciser to cleardébarrasser to contemplateenvisager to conveyacheminer to crumbleémietter to crushécraser to decline, to give uprécuser to disarmdésamorcer to draw (from)puiser to droplarguer to exhaustépuiser to fallchoir to fearcraindre to feel dizzyavoir le tournis to fill, to satisfycombler to give overwhelming support toplébisciter to give upcéder to go out againressortir to goof upgaffer to graftgreffer to grantaccorder to have a good laughse marrer to hinder, hamperentraver to increases'accroître to investinvestir to issuelancer to leadmener to leakcouler to lispzézayer to make dizzydonner le tournis to managese débrouiller to march pastdéfiler to offeroffrir to pick someone updraguer to play for timetemporiser to poisonempoisonner to reachparvenir to regulaterégler to remove, to take offenlever to replaceremplacer to revealrévéler to seem, appearparaître to set, to placesituer to spotrepérer debrisdécombres depositconsigne eventévénement foundedfondé helmetcasque in spite ofmalgré to stamp outpiétiner to stand up againrelever to stand up againstrelever to start/to damageentamer to strike offradier to succeedaboutir to sulk/to turn one's nose up atbouder to supplyfournir to supportsoutenir to swallow upengouffrer to targoudronner to tendêtre porté(e) to thundertonner to track downtraquer to turn (over)retourner to untangledébrouiller to watch outfaire gaffe to wear outuser unhealthymalsain(e) unionsyndicat waste, lossperte wheatblé willyzizi with whatever comes to handavec les moyens to belongappartenir to criticizecritiquer to hold for ransomrançonner to pretendfaire semblant to retainconserver without flinchingsans broncher to promisepromettre to recedereculer to rip apartéventrer to stabpoignarder to testifytémoigner translatortraducteur filmseptième art movie directorréalisateur to establishconsacrer undergrowthbroussailles unusualinhabituelle uselessinutile faucetrobinet pollsondage sectiontançons the living proofpreuve vivant to exerciseexercer to tellraconter an endorsementaval ball (and chain)boulet breach, a gapbrèche questquête reducedréduit to withdrawretirer bash (party)boum flymouche skill, masterymaîtrise stumpsouche underwearslip wormver sidecôté starryétoilé test/sporting eventépreuve to avoidéviter to becomedevenir to bindlier afternoon teagoûter brasou-tif bulltaureau covered playgroundpréau shower or burstgerbe the snotmorve decadedécennie guinea pigcobaye limitlimite mammalmammifère residencedemeure the scrub, the undergroundmaquis an agitationémoi sheepmouton the hairpoil the repercussionretentissement the testimonytémoignage the woollaine balance sheetbilan fearcrainte misdemeanorméfait quartetquatuor stage (stopping place)étape the widthlargeur bucketseau diamonddiamant goatbouc machine gunnermitrailleur sealing offbouclage serialfeuilleton (admiration) to arousesusciter mutesourdine rifle, gunfusil skullcrâne softly/quietlyen sourdine welcomeaccueil an explosiondéflagration demandexigence shelterabri species (of plant)race worrysouci (tires) to screechcrisser the scrapdéchet to arguediscuter to betparier to bothergêner to catchattraper an exhaust pipepot d'échappement doormatpaillasson gategrille handfulpoignée skiddérapage to amaze, to impressépater (stairs) a landingpalier search, a huntbattu the goalbut the lawnpelouse to fail to go offrater to stumble, to triptrébucher (administrative) channelfilière a surveysondage to expressexprimer to moderatemodérer to seemsembler to wishsouhaiter fertilityfécundité make-upmaquillage striping, scouringdécapage to cheattricher to erase, to rub outeffacer to grip or hold tightserrer according toselon rage / furyrage threadfil to dedicate / to devotevouer to make milder / to sweetenadoucir to weighpeser appreciablysensiblement auto body workcarrosserie battlebataille beyondau delà de bloodsang bulletballe burstrafale charcoalcharbon connectionsconnexions contemptmépris deceaseddécèdé diversiondétournement empty-handedbredouille flawfaille for the time beingpour l'heure goalbut ground floorrez-de-chaussée in the midst ofau sein de