-- MySQL dump 10.9 -- -- Host: localhost Database: dict_explicit -- ------------------------------------------------------ -- Server version 5.1.7-beta-log -- test for setting -- auto_increment to the start value for the sequence -- which is created CREATE TABLE `rhm_host_info` ( `id` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `hostname` varchar(60) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=16 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- test for setting -- auto_increment to the start value for the sequence -- which is created ***using a numeric argument**** CREATE TABLE `rhm_host_info` ( `id` numeric(1,0) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `hostname` varchar(60) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=16 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- -- Table structure for table `account` -- test for foreign key constraints DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `account`; CREATE TABLE `account` ( `username` varchar(20) default NULL, KEY `username` (`username`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- -- Table structure for table `folder` -- test for foreign key constraints DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `folder`; CREATE TABLE `folder` ( `folder_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `folder_name` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '', KEY `folder_id` (`folder_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- -- Table structure for table `ownerx` -- test for foreign key constraints -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ownerx`; CREATE TABLE `ownerx` ( `parent_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `owner` varchar(25) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (`parent_id`), KEY `parent_id` (`parent_id`), KEY `owner` (`owner`), CONSTRAINT `ownerx_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`parent_id`) REFERENCES `folder` (`folder_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT `ownerx_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`owner`) REFERENCES `account` (`username`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- -- Table structure for table `t` -- CREATE TABLE `timestamp_check` ( `ts` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `key_value` varchar(10) default NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; create table test ( eighty varchar(20), `test` enum('?','+','-') NOT NULL default '?', `wr_option` set('html1','html2','secret','mail') NOT NULL default '' ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; CREATE TABLE PHPchara_answers ( -- auto increment check id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, -- numeric types `brute_force` tinyint(5) NOT NULL default '0', `posternotify` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', `maxQid` smallint(6) default '0', `wordid` mediumint(9) NOT NULL default '0', `pic_id` mediumint(9) NOT NULL default '0', `category` int(11) NOT NULL, qid int(11) NOT NULL default '0', seq int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `sdate` bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0', `ordervalue` decimal(3,2) NOT NULL default '9.99', `wordsize` tinyint(3) unsigned default NULL, `timestamp` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `icq` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `commentid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL , `parentid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', -- character data types checks `path` char(10) NOT NULL default '', `link` char(10) NOT NULL default '', `topic_poster_name` varchar(40) NOT NULL default 'Anonymous', text varchar(255) default 'answer', `location` varchar(25) NOT NULL default '', `nicename` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `date` tinytext NOT NULL, `encoded_string` blob NOT NULL, `def` blob, `bin_data` longblob, text_text text, `likes` text NOT NULL, `ma_content` mediumtext NOT NULL, `help` mediumtext NOT NULL, `agreed` enum('n','y') default 'n', `format` enum('rss','html') default NULL, -- datetime checks `vs_date` date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00', `vi_date` date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00', `vi_time` time NOT NULL default '00:00:00', `lastLogin` datetime NOT NULL default '2006-03-24 20:36:02', `doe` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `user_lastvisit` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `mtime` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `msg_date` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `visitTime` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, KEY `wr_num_reply_parent` (`location`,`nicename`,`posternotify`), ) TYPE=MyISAM; --- check auto_increment and primary key DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `bB_posts`; CREATE TABLE `bB_posts` ( `postid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, PRIMARY KEY (`postid`), ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `bbschool_posts`; CREATE TABLE `bbschool_posts` ( `postid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `ownerid` int(10) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`postid`), KEY `ownerid` (`ownerid`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- check comment on a table DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `cpg_dict`; CREATE TABLE `cpg_dict` ( `keyId` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment, `keyword` varchar(60) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (`keyId`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='Holds the keyword dictionary'; -- check string handling of " embedded in a varchar value INSERT INTO `cpg_dict` VALUES (9,'I"ll go with you'); -- check a single primary key DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `cpg_filetypes`; CREATE TABLE `cpg_filetypes` ( `extension` char(7) NOT NULL default '', `mime` char(30) default NULL, `content` char(15) default NULL, `player` varchar(5) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`extension`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='Used to store the file extensions'; -- -- Table structure for table `t` -- -- check timestamp handling DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `t`; CREATE TABLE `t` ( `ts` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `key_value` varchar(10) default NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- -- Dumping data for table `t` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `t` DISABLE KEYS */; LOCK TABLES `t` WRITE; INSERT INTO `t` VALUES ('2007-01-30 02:22:50','9'),('2007-01-30 02:22:52','19'),('2007-01-30 02:22:54','129'); UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `t` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Table structure for table `osc_products` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `osc_products`; CREATE TABLE `osc_products` ( `products_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `products_quantity` int(4) NOT NULL default '0', `products_price` decimal(15,4) NOT NULL default '0.0000', `products_date_added` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `products_last_modified` datetime default NULL, `products_date_available` datetime default NULL, `products_weight` decimal(5,2) NOT NULL default '0.00', `products_weight_class` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `products_status` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', `products_tax_class_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `manufacturers_id` int(11) default NULL, `products_ordered` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`products_id`), KEY `idx_products_date_added` (`products_date_added`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- -- Dumping data for table `osc_products` -- -- check long insert statements /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `osc_products` DISABLE KEYS */; LOCK TABLES `osc_products` WRITE; INSERT INTO `osc_products` VALUES (4,3,'20000.0000','2007-01-01 22:36:44','2007-01-10 23:55:34',NULL,'0.25',2,1,0,0,0),(2,0,'20000.0000','2007-01-01 22:14:48','2007-01-10 22:01:28',NULL,'0.25',2,1,0,0,0),(3,3,'20000.0000','2007-01-01 22:30:48','2007-01-10 22:01:45',NULL,'0.25',2,1,0,0,0),(5,1,'16000.0000','2007-01-10 21:00:53','2007-01-11 22:54:25',NULL,'0.25',2,1,0,0,0),(6,1,'22000.0000','2007-01-10 21:22:55','2007-01-10 22:11:37',NULL,'0.25',2,1,0,0,0),(7,4,'20000.0000','2007-01-10 21:25:55','2007-01-10 23:25:38',NULL,'0.25',2,1,0,0,0),(8,4,'20000.0000','2007-01-10 21:32:50','2007-01-11 00:09:35',NULL,'0.00',2,1,0,0,0),(9,4,'22000.0000','2007-01-10 21:51:18','2007-01-11 22:25:08',NULL,'0.25',2,1,0,0,0),(10,4,'20000.0000','2007-01-10 21:55:05','2007-01-11 00:11:38',NULL,'0.25',2,1,0,0,0),(11,4,'20000.0000','2007-01-10 23:35:51','2007-01-11 00:05:05',NULL,'0.00',2,1,0,0,0),(12,4,'20000.0000','2007-01-10 23:52:17','2007-01-11 00:10:46',NULL,'0.00',2,1,0,0,0),(13,4,'20000.0000','2007-01-10 23:54:04','2007-01-11 00:05:49',NULL,'0.00',2,1,0,0,0),(14,2,'20000.0000','2007-01-11 00:00:29','2007-01-11 00:10:10',NULL,'0.00',2,1,0,0,0),(15,4,'20000.0000','2007-01-13 15:46:37','2007-01-13 15:48:27',NULL,'0.00',2,1,0,0,0),(16,4,'14000.0000','2007-01-13 15:48:10','2007-01-13 15:50:09',NULL,'0.00',2,1,0,0,0),(17,4,'20000.0000','2007-01-13 15:51:52',NULL,NULL,'0.00',2,1,0,0,0),(18,4,'20000.0000','2007-01-13 15:53:25',NULL,NULL,'0.00',2,1,0,0,0),(19,4,'14000.0000','2007-01-13 15:54:58',NULL,NULL,'0.00',2,1,0,0,0),(20,4,'20000.0000','2007-01-13 15:56:37',NULL,NULL,'0.00',2,1,0,0,0),(21,4,'20000.0000','2007-01-13 15:58:31',NULL,NULL,'0.00',2,1,0,0,0),(22,4,'20000.0000','2007-01-13 16:00:10',NULL,NULL,'0.00',2,1,0,0,0),(23,4,'20000.0000','2007-01-13 16:02:23',NULL,NULL,'0.00',2,1,0,0,0); UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `osc_products` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Table structure for table `t` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `one_insert_check`; CREATE TABLE `one_insert_check` ( `ts` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `key_value` varchar(10) default NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- -- Dumping data for table `t` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `t` DISABLE KEYS */; LOCK TABLES `one_insert_check` WRITE; INSERT INTO `one_insert_check` VALUES ('2007-01-30 02:22:50','9'); UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `t` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- test for inserts with difficult characters within the strings (bug #1650) -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `chars_insert_check`; CREATE TABLE `chars_insert_check` ( `textcolumn1` varchar(255) default NULL, `textcolumn2` varchar(255) default NULL, `textcolumn3` varchar(255) default NULL, `textcolumn4` varchar(255) default NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; INSERT INTO `chars_insert_check` VALUES ('3\',5\' cAMP receptor activity','\'\'\'that was 3 escaped quotes together\'\'\'',',,,,,','normal string'); -- -- test for float/double conversions -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `float_check`; CREATE TABLE `float_check` ( `mycolumn` double, `doublecolumn1` double(1,2), `doublecolumn2` double default NULL, `doublecolumn3` double, `floatcolumn1` float, `floatcolumn2` float(3), `floatcolumn3` float(1,2) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; /*!40101 SET SQL_MODE=@OLD_SQL_MODE */; /*!40014 SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=@OLD_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS */; /*!40014 SET UNIQUE_CHECKS=@OLD_UNIQUE_CHECKS */; /*!40101 SET CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */; /*!40101 SET CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=@OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS */; /*!40101 SET COLLATION_CONNECTION=@OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION */; /*!40111 SET SQL_NOTES=@OLD_SQL_NOTES */;