%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % LOVALTEST.tex % % % Description of LOVAL.STY % \documentstyle[loval]{article} \pagestyle{empty} \begin{document} \centering{\Large LOVAL.STY - oval boxes} \vspace{0.3in} This is the descreption of an option that yields similar results as the wellknown \verb+\fbox+. It produces a \ovalbox{box} around some text with round corners. Because I have choosen to take a picture enviroment, some warnings occur during compilation. These may be ignored by the user. The following parameters are of some interest. \begin{itemize} \item \verb+\fboxsep+ Different values of this parameter yield different seperation amount from text and surrounding borders, c.f. \verb+\fbox+. \verb+\fboxsep10pt\ovalbox{test}+ gives the following: \fboxsep10pt\ovalbox{test}. \verb+\fboxsep3pt\ovalbox{3pt is default}+ gives \fboxsep3pt\ovalbox{3pt is default}. \item \verb+\linethickness+ Three possibilities are given to choose the linethickness. \begin{itemize} \item \verb+\thinlines+ This is the default as in \ovalbox{this} example. \item \verb+\thicklines+ Here we get \ovalbox{thick} lines. \item \verb+\linethickness+ \verb+\linethickness{1.5pt}+ gives these \linethickness{1.5pt}\fboxsep8pt\ovalbox{strange} results. \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \vspace{.4in} If you need another version of this \verb+\ovalbox+ that works with plain\TeX\ you can mail me and I send you the other style file and a new fontsource {\tt newcirc.mf} to build the appropriate circlefont. This version does not give unneccesary warnings. \vspace{.3in} Have some fun with my macros. Elmar Schal\"{u}ck elmar@uni-paderborn.de \end{document}