===================================== svgtools v1.1.2 (release: 2024-06-05) ===================================== * Changed maintainer Features: * added option for rounding away from zero for labels of barcharts: options("svgtools.roundAwayFromZero" = TRUE) Fixes: * fixed code from v.1.1.0 for correct ordering of symbols and lines (both alignments) ===================================== svgtools v1.1.1 (release: 2022-05-20) ===================================== Fixes: * fixed changeText(...) to set alignment even when text of element that was identified by text changes ===================================== svgtools v1.1.0 (release: 2021-12-14) ===================================== Features: * added support for symbols of type and SVG tag "path" to linesSymbols(...) and scatterSymbols(...) - WorkInProgress * added parameter option symbol_type="guess" to linesSymbols(...) and scatterSymbols(...) for guessing of symbol type; kept default at symbol_type=NULL * changed summary_svg(...) output to more informative text with guessing of named group contents Fixes: * fixed code for correct ordering of line elements (horizontal adjustment) * fixed code for correct ordering of symbols (both alignments) * fixed code for summary_svg(...) of used colors ===================================== svgtools v1.0.3 (release: 2021-04-14) ===================================== Fixes: * fixed code for correct ordering of line elements ===================================== svgtools v1.0.2 (no release) ===================================== Additions: * added support for transform-matrix on rect elements (e.g. for rotated rectangles) ===================================== svgtools v1.0.1 (release: 2021-03-04) ===================================== Fixes: * minor code fix so that svgtools will continue working on r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang and r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc ===================================== svgtools v1.0.0 (initial release: 2020-11-22) =====================================