# Ptyxis 46.rc Changes since 46.alpha * Ignore exit action if tab spuriously exited after spawning * Allow disabling the process leader window decoration * Make VS Code palette switch between light/dark theme * Make Horizon palette switch between light/dark theme * Demote rxvt style from primary palette set * Fallback to getent to discover user shell * Use whoami instead of $USER as it might not be correct when transitioning into a container * Allow disabing F10 in the shortcut preferences * The VTE patches have been simplified to make it easier to apply on top of VTE master. * Avoid restyling AdwDialog * Use AdwAboutDialog * Podman infrastructure containers are now ignored * A new italian translation * Various window styling improvements * Allow specifying default column/rows when restore-window-size setting is not used * Use --detach-keys with podman to fix ctrl+p usage * Initial accessibility support using vendored patches to VTE * Remove Ptyxis suffix from title to match gnome-terminal * About dialog includes a bunch of new informatio to help triage user issues without roundtrips to users. * New icon for Ptyxis branding * Fix where we delay reloading of podman containers to help avoid missing changes * Various improvements for the new fractional scaling support in GTK * Make most internal p2p D-Bus API calls asynchronous * Allow disabling the visual process leader colors * Ignore podman infrastructure containers # Ptyxis 46.alpha Ptyxis is a new container oriented terminal. It attempts to improve the experience on operating systems where users are commonly entering or working with terminals in containers different than the host. For example, "immutable" desktops. Ptyxis takes a practical approach to preferences including support for profiles. Users may set a default container per-profile as well as choose to inherit the currently entered container. Ptyxis does require patches on-top of VTE. These patches are similar to what has been shipped in Fedora for a number of years. They provide some basic container and notification abstractions on-top of VTE. In the future, we hope to not require additional VTE patches once new functionality lands in VTE. Packagers may find those patches in `build-aux/` which apply on top of git master at the time of writing. Performance and correctness of Ptyxis is critical upon using VTE with the performance work I've done in the 46 GNOME cycle. In fact, the patches above will only apply on a VTE tree which contains that work. The drawing of Ptyxis will be incorrect without the upstream work in VTE. This is an initial release, which should be considered alpha quality.