3.3.18: 2012-03-03 Murray Cumming Widget: Add get_modifier_mask(). * gdk/src/gdk_enums.defs: Regenerate. * gdk/src/gdk_signals.defs: Regenerate. * gdk/src/types.hg: Add the ModifierIntent enum. * tools/m4/convert_gdk.m4: Mention the new enum. * gtk/src/widget.hg: Add get_modifier_mask(). 2012-03-03 Murray Cumming Image: Add set_from_resource(). * gtk/src/image.hg: Wrap gtk_image_set_from_resource(). 2012-03-03 Murray Cumming Gtk::Window: Add new API. * gtk/src/window.[hg|ccg]: Add unset/set/get_attached_to(). Add get/set_hide_titlebar_when_maximized() and property. 2012-03-03 Murray Cumming Application: Added new API. * tools/m4/convert_gtk.m4: Regenerate partially. * gtk/src/application.hg: Added get/set_app_menu(), get/set_menubar(), add/remove_accelerator(), inhibit(), uninhibit(), is_inhibited(), properties and signals. * gtk/src/gtk_enums.defs: Add conversions. 2012-03-03 Murray Cumming Wrap some new API. * gtk/src/aboutdialog.hg: Add add_credits_section(). * gtk/src/entrycompletion.hg: Add compute_prefix(). * gtk/src/stylecontext.[hg|ccg]: Add set_parent() and unset_parent(). 2012-03-03 Murray Cumming Application: Update the newin tags. * gtk/src/application.hg: This will really be new in 3.4. 2012-03-03 Murray Cumming Tests: Use Gtk::Application instead of Gtk::Main. * tests/: Use Gtk::Application because we have deprecated Gtk::Main. 2012-03-03 Murray Cumming Application: Simplify the window handling slightly. * gtk/src/application.[hg|ccg]: run(): Show the window immediately instead of doing it in a signal handler, because that bug has been fixed in GTK+. 2012-03-02 Murray Cumming Deprecate Gtk::Main in favor of Gtk::Application. * gtk/src/main.[hg|ccg]: Deprecate most of this API. * demos/gtk-demo/example_change_display.cc: * demos/gtk-demo/main.cc: Use Gtk::Application instead of Gtk::Main. 2012-03-02 Murray Cumming ColorSelection*: Document these as deprecated. * gtk/src/colorselection.hg: Add @deprecated doxygen tags. 2012-03-02 Murray Cumming FontChooserDialog: Remove default signal handler to prevent ABI break. * gtk/src/fontchooser.hg: Use the no_default_handler option because the signal was not actually in the gtkmm 3.2 API, because we did not generate the .defs for it. 2012-03-02 Murray Cumming Add property and signal defs for GtkFontChooser*. * tools/extra_defs_gen/generate_defs_gtk.cc: Add GTK_FONT_CHOOSER, GTK_FONT_CHOOSER_DIALOG and GTK_FONT_CHOOSER_WIDGET. * gtk/src/gtk_signals.defs: Update. 2012-03-02 Murray Cumming Add ColorChooser and ColorChooserDialog, deprecating ColorSelection*. * tools/extra_defs_gen/generate_defs_gtk.cc: Mention the new Color* types. * gtk/src/gtk_signals.def * gtk/src/gtk_methods.defs: Update. * gtk/src/filelist.am: * gtk/src/colorchooser.[hg|ccg]: Add the ColorChooser interface. * gtk/src/colorchooserdialog.[hg|ccg]: Add ColorChooserDialog. * gtk/src/colorbutton.hg: Add a comment that we cannot derive this from the new interface, though the C API does that, because we cannot break ABI. * gtk/src/colorselection.hg: Deprecate ColorSelection and ColorSelectionDialog, as in the C API. * gtk/gtkmm.h: Mention the new headers. * demos/gtk-demo/example_colorsel.cc: Use GtkChooserDialog instead of ColorSelectionDialog. 2012-03-01 José Alburquerque gmmproc: _CLASS_GTKOBJECT: Include destructor documentation. * tools/m4/class_gtkobject.m4: Include possible Doxygen comment block documentation sent to the new (in glibmm) SECTION_DTOR_DOCUMENTATION section from the use of the also new _DOCUMENT_DTOR() macro. Bug #668918. 2012-02-29 José Alburquerque tools: Add XML and defs generation scripts. * tools/gen_scripts/gdk_generate_docs.sh: * tools/gen_scripts/gdk_generate_enums.sh: * tools/gen_scripts/gdk_generate_methods.sh: * tools/gen_scripts/gtk_generate_docs.sh: * tools/gen_scripts/gtk_generate_enums.sh: * tools/gen_scripts/gtk_generate_extra_defs.sh: * tools/gen_scripts/gtk_generate_methods.sh: Add these scripts as in glibmm to make the docs and defs file generation easier. 2012-02-29 Murray Cumming Add ApplicationWindow. * tools/extra_defs_gen/generate_defs_gtk.cc: Mention GtkApplicationWindow. * gtk/src/gtk_signals.defs: Add defs for GtkApplicationWindow. * gtk/src/filelist.am: * gtk/src/applicationwindow.[hg|ccg]: Add Gtk::ApplicationWindow. 3.3.16: