Article: 109 of ucam.mlist.texhax From: Subject: TeXhax digest, Vol 2002 #5 - 8 msgs MIME-version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 10:00:38 +0100 Send TeXhax mailing list submissions to To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to You can reach the person managing the list at When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific than "Re: Contents of TeXhax digest..." TeXhax Digest ________________________________________ Volume 2002 : Number 5 Today's Topics: 1. reference to a counter in a tabular ? (Mario Baussmann) 2. Quotes in tt (Matej Cepl) 3. Single figure spanning two columns (Emanuele Menegatti) 4. Footnote linewidth (John Simmie) 5. Re: Single figure spanning two columns (Robin Fairbairns) 6. Re: Footnote linewidth (Robin Fairbairns) 7. tug 2003 conference news (TUG 2003 Conference Committee) 8. TUG news: elections, call for papers, development fund, TUGboat (TUG Board of Directors) --__--__-- Message: 1 From: Mario Baussmann To: Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2002 13:27:59 +0200 Subject: reference to a counter in a tabular ? Hi, is it possible to reference to a counter inside a tabular? The first column of the tabular should be an incremented number for each row. The second column is text. The text should contain references to other row numbers. The third column is text. I made the counter with \newcounter{test}. The increment with \refstepcounter{test}. The reference with \label{here} and \ref{here}. But the reference number was the numer of the table, not of the counter. Is it possible to solve this problem? Thanks, Mario Baussmann --__--__-- Message: 2 Date: Sat, 18 May 2002 19:58:01 -0400 (EDT) From: Matej Cepl Subject: Quotes in tt To: --8323328-1804289383-1021766287=:1240 Content-Type: TEXT/plain; charset=us-ascii Hi, just from the sense of curiosity I try to create LaTeX style emulating ``typesetting'' of typewriter (do not say me it is stupid idea, I know that). It works very well when I use pcr, but it fails miserably when trying to go down to cmtt (see attached sty file), because (of course, you know it) there are some characters missing in cmtt. I found somewhere on DejaNews also attached plainTeX makro for emulating quotes, which (to my biggest surprise) work without any problem. However, when I tried to incorporate the makro into my style it failed again. Could you please explain, what I am doing wrong? Thanks Matej -- Matej Cepl, 138 Highland Ave. #10 Somerville, Ma 02143 (617) 623-1488 . Economics is the only discipline where two people can win a Nobel Prize for saying exactly the opposite thing! -- Eamonn Butler of Adam Smith Institute on Nobel Prize awards for year 2001 --8323328-1804289383-1021766287=:1240 Content-Type: TEXT/x-tex; name="manuscript.sty" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="manuscript.sty" \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1996/06/01] \ProvidesPackage{manuscript}[2002/05/17 v0.3 emulate typesetting of typewriter] \RequirePackage{ifthen} \newboolean{MS@ps} \setboolean{MS@ps}{false} \DeclareOption{ps}{\setboolean{MS@ps}{true}} \ProcessOptions % another needed packages \RequirePackage{setspace} \RequirePackage[T1]{fontenc} \RequirePackage[NewCommands]{ragged2e} % set-up fonts % italic is not clear with tt fonts -- it is better to keep % a typewriter tradition alive \ifthenelse{\boolean{MS@ps}} { \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{pcr} }{ \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{aett} \def\rquotes#1{\leavevmode\kern-.20em'\kern-.60em'\kern-.20em\relax} \def\lquotes#1{\leavevmode\kern-.20em`\kern-.60em`\kern-.20em\relax} \def\rquote{'} \def\lquote{`} \catcode`'=\active \def'{\actrq} \catcode``=\active \def`{\actlq} \let\actrq\rquote \let\actlq\lquote \def\rqtest{\ifx\next'\let\next=\rquotes\else\let\next=\rquote\fi\next} \def\lqtest{\ifx\next`\let\next=\lquotes\else\let\next=\lquote\fi\next} } \renewcommand{\sfdefault}{\rmdefault} \renewcommand{\ttdefault}{\rmdefault} \RequirePackage{soul} \renewcommand{\emph}[1]{\ul{#1}} % setup another additional characteristics of typewriter % koma-script doesn't work well with komascript \@ifundefined{typearea} {\RequirePackage{fullpage}} {\typearea[0sp]{13}} \let\footnotesize\@empty \doublespacing \AtBeginDocument{% \raggedright \spaceskip .333333 em plus .333333 em minus .111111 em } % standard titlehead of the document is really ugly when % doublespaced % Polished to work both with standard article and koma-script \let\my@maketitle=\@maketitle \def\@maketitle{% \singlespacing \hyphenpenalty=5000 % This is ugly hack, but it should be robust enough \let\huge\LARGE \my@maketitle } --8323328-1804289383-1021766287=:1240 Content-Type: TEXT/x-tex; name="plain_uvoz.tex" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="plain_uvoz.tex" \def\rquotes#1{\leavevmode\kern-.20em'\kern-.60em'\kern-.20em\relax} \def\lquotes#1{\leavevmode\kern-.20em`\kern-.60em`\kern-.20em\relax} \def\rquote{'} \def\lquote{`} \catcode`'=\active \def'{\actrq} \catcode``=\active \def`{\actlq} \let\actrq\rquote \let\actlq\lquote \def\rqtest{\ifx\next'\let\next=\rquotes\else\let\next=\rquote\fi\next} \def\lqtest{\ifx\next`\let\next=\lquotes\else\let\next=\lquote\fi\next} \tt ``This is a sentence'' \rm ``Hello.'' \bye --8323328-1804289383-1021766287=:1240-- --__--__-- Message: 3 From: Emanuele Menegatti Organization: University of Padova To: Subject: Single figure spanning two columns Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2002 17:52:05 +0200 Dear all, is there a way to have a single figure occuping the whole page width in a latex document that it is using a two column style? The document definistion is as follow \documentclass[10pt,twocolumn]{./IEEEtran_v15} so the text is arranged in two column, but at a certain point I`d like to have a single figure to take the whole page size with the two columns starting again after it? Is it possible? Regards, Emanuele -- ------------------------------------------ Emanuele Menegatti Visiting Researcher at The Intelligent Robotics Laboratory Wakayama University, Japan Ph.D. Student at the Intelligent Autonomous Systems Laboratory Department of Information Engineering University of Padova, ITALY Phone: ++39 049 827 7722 ------------------------------------------ --__--__-- Message: 4 Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2002 14:46:03 +0100 From: John Simmie Subject: Footnote linewidth To: --=====================_276239562==_.ALT Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed My footnote linewidth exceeds the textwidth in a document How can I reassert control /fix it so that the footnote width is = to \textwidth? The page settings used are: \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{vmargin} \setpapersize{A4} \setmarginsrb{20.0mm}{20mm}{20.0mm}{20mm}{12pt}{11mm}{12pt}{11mm} % left top right btm head hdsep ftht ftskip Dr. John M. Simmie Chemistry Department & Environmental Change Institute National University of Ireland, Galway::Ireland --=====================_276239562==_.ALT Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" My footnote linewidth exceeds the textwidth in a document
How can I reassert control /fix it so that the footnote width is = to \textwidth?

The page settings used are:
%              left   top    right  btm  head   hdsep ftht ftskip

                Dr. John M. Simmie
Chemistry Department & Environmental Change Institute
   National University of Ireland, Galway::Ireland
--=====================_276239562==_.ALT-- --__--__-- Message: 5 To: cc: Subject: Re: Single figure spanning two columns Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2002 11:29:11 +0100 From: Robin Fairbairns Emanuele Menegatti (with a broken reply-to address) writes: > is there a way to have a single figure occuping the whole page width in a > latex document that it is using a two column style? > > The document definistion is as follow > > \documentclass[10pt,twocolumn]{./IEEEtran_v15} > > so the text is arranged in two column, but at a certain point I`d like to > have a single figure to take the whole page size with the two columns > starting again after it? this is an rtfm, you know: any latex intro would have told you to use a figure* environment rather than a figure environment. --__--__-- Message: 6 To: John Simmie cc: Subject: Re: Footnote linewidth Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2002 11:42:03 +0100 From: Robin Fairbairns John Simmie writes: > My footnote linewidth exceeds the textwidth in a document > How can I reassert control /fix it so that the footnote width is = to > \textwidth? > > The page settings used are: > \documentclass[12pt]{article} > \usepackage{vmargin} > \setpapersize{A4} > \setmarginsrb{20.0mm}{20mm}{20.0mm}{20mm}{12pt}{11mm}{12pt}{11mm} actually, it's the other way around. \linewidth (and \hsize) are left at the values set by the documentclass, and \textwidth is rather wider. it would appear that the footnotes are set at \textwidth (quite correctly, if one's going to span them across multiple columns .. i think), but that vmargin.sty isn't setting \linewidth properly, so that the footnotes look as if they're too wide. it seems to me that this is a vmargin bug (i'm notifying volker kuhlmann); for your immediate purposes i would recommend geometry.sty instead; i find it entirely robust whenever i use it. --__--__-- Message: 7 Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2002 16:52:36 -0400 From: (TUG 2003 Conference Committee) To: Subject: tug 2003 conference news ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2003 July 20 - 24: Waikoloa, Big Island, Hawaii USA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TUG 2003: SILVER ANNIVERSARY -- 25 YEARS! -- of TeX. Outrigger Waikoloa Beach Resort, Big Island, Hawaii A grand reunion of TeX users worldwide is planned for the 24th Annual Meeting and Conference of the TeX Users Group in 2003 for the Silver Anniversary -- 25 YEARS! -- of TeX. Professor Hermann Zapf and cartoon artist, Duane Bibby, will be just two of what we hope will be a long list of renowned guests and long-time friends of TeX, who will help us celebrate this wonderful event. We would like to make this a big gathering of the people who have played a role in providing you with tools, development, and support for TeX, which is the best free software available for beautiful typesetting and typography. All users of TeX (since its birth) are invited to participate as speaker, attendee, volunteer, sponsor, or donor to help make this conference a success. What You Can Do to Help! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can contribute in several ways to the success of TUG 2003: 1) Come to the meeting and invite all your TeX friends to come along too. Register with the very early-lions *before the end of the year 2002* and no later than April 9, 2003, to benefit from special conference and accommodation rates. 2) Make a donation, (however large or small) as a token of appreciation for having TeX available to you as free software, and let your colleagues and your bosses know about this meeting so that they too can contribute towards the event, and to the future development of the TeX family of programs. TeX is very much alive and doing well both as a front-end for authors, and a back-end as a tool in the automated processes that provide easy conversion to XML,PDF, HTML. 3) Publishers, vendors, and other commercial users, developers, and distributors of products that use, or are prepared in, TeX (Plain, AmsTeX, AMSLaTeX, LaTeX, pdfTeX, Metafont, MetaPost, ConTeXt, etc.) can sponsor or co- sponsor events (coffee breaks, lunches, reception, banquet) and most of all towards renowned plenary speakers and TUG 2003 as a whole. 4) The TeX Heritage Committee chaired by Sebastian Rahtz, will be organizing projects and happenings for the Silver Anniversary of TeX. One of these will be to publish a special volume of reflections by key developers and users of TeX. The book will be (temporarily) entitled: "TeX Retrospective: milestones and byways on the road to beautiful typography" More information will be published on the website at: Note: Generous donors and sponsors ($500.00 or more) will receive a complimentary copy of the silver anniversary volume. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So start planning now to join us in Hawaii in body and/or in spirit for TUG 2003 on July 20 - 24, 2003. Don't forget to bring along your snorkel... Aloha! The TUG 2003 Organizers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --__--__-- Message: 8 Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 16:18:34 +0200 From: (TUG Board of Directors) To: Subject: TUG news: elections, call for papers, development fund, TUGboat Greetings to all TUG members and TeX users, A few short news items for your information and participation. (Please redistribute this message to any appropriate forum.) 1. TUG elections The terms of the TUG President and of 11 members of the Board of Directors will end as of the 2003 meeting of the TUG Board of Directors, which will take place in conjunction with the 24th Annual TUG Meeting to be held 20-24 July 2003. (See below for more information on the meeting.) The election to choose the new TUG President and Board members will be held in spring 2003. Nominations for these openings are now invited. Please see for the complete announcement, information, and nomination forms. If you or someone you know would be a good candidate for service, please help TUG by making a nomination! 2. TUG 2003: Call for Papers The TeX Users Group's 24th Annual Meeting is to be held 20-24 July 2003 at the Outrigger Waikoloa Beach Resort, Big Island, Hawaii. We welcome submissions of a title and abstract by November 18, 2002; please send to Registration forms and more information on submitting papers, as well as the conference in general, are at Please be sure to check the early-lion registration discount rate. First deadline: Dec 31, 2002. 3. TeX Development Fund TUG has initiated a new project: a TeX Development Fund. It was officially announced at the TUG 2002 conference in India. The idea is to financially support TeX-related projects to the best of our ability. Please see for more information and an online application page, or email 4. TUGboat We are pleased to announce that TUGboat 22.1/22.2 (a double issue) is at the printer and scheduled to be mailed September 26th. The TUGboat production team is working on the two issues that follow (for 2001) in hopes they will mail by the end of the year. More news will be forthcoming regarding Volume 23, which is in the pipeline as well. If you have ideas for articles you would like to write, or read, please email the tugboat editorial group at 5. CTAN CD-ROM's via Dante Each year, Dante (the German TeX users group,, produces an abstract of the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network compendium of TeX tools. The 2002 edition has been ordered for TUG members. Look for this 3-CD set in your mail within the next few weeks. -- Your satisfaction as a TUG member is important to us. If you have failed to receive membership materials, or if your address has changed, please contact the TUG office at or by phone +1-503-223-9994. Our office manager, Robin Laakso, is ready to help. The TUG Board values your input. Please contact us at with your suggestions, concerns, and even offers of help. Thanks, TeX Users Group Board of Directors --__--__-- About TeXhax... For information on the TeX Users Group, please send a message to, or write TeX Users Group, 1466 NW Front Avenue, Suite 3141, Portland, OR 97209-2820 USA (phone: 1 503 223 9994, fax: 1 503 223 3960). End of TeXhax Digest