--1.9.0 reading error from *.err.html / tests --1.7.0 R package x13binary is used by default, a different binary can still be used. --1.5.0 NA treatment was changed, the dat files will contain -99999 for missing values now (default value of X-12-ARIMA) --1.4.0 Bug concerning the span was fixed First version of parallelization for x12 on x12Batch objects introduced --1.3.0 Labeling of plot functions was improved ---1.2.0 x12work changed to not use sh or bat files (Suggestions by Peter Ellis) readSpc should be fixed according to the new names in x12Parameter spc,out,log,err will no longer be removed (only the gra directory) basic plot method for x12Batch data for X12-ARIMA is now save in .dat-Files ---1.1.0 Renaming X12 to x12 and the old x12 to x12work Various bug fixes concerning combination of parameters