Changes in ssmrob version 1.0 + Documentation was updated. The current version accompanies the publication in the Journal of Statistical Software, Changes in ssmrob version 0.8 + Data argument was added for functions ssmrob, heckitrob, heckit5rob and etregrob. + The datasets were updated: binary variables are logical now. Several variables with missing documentation were removed from MEPS2001 dataset. Documentation for datasets was updated. + Computation of the (co)variance matrix for the estimator was made more efficient. + NAMESPACE was updated: instead of package namespaces (MASS, robustbase, sampleSelection) only the necessary functions are imported. Changes in ssmrob version 0.7 + Generic functions nobs and model.matrix were added. + print and summary outputs were adjusted to mimic more standard R model printing outputs. + fitted model objects were extended, see documentation. Changes in ssmrob version 0.6 + Order of arguments in functions ssmrob, heckitrob, heckit5rob, etregrob was changed. The selection formula is first, the outcome formula(s) is second. Changes in robmed version 0.5 + Number of digits after comma in print functions reduced to 4. + Chi-square probability for covariate weights is 0.95, it was 0.9. + Splitted weight calculation for design space is introduced (see Zhelonkin, Genton, Ronchetti 2016, p.814). + etregrob function is added, robust estimation for Endogenous Treatment Model.