spikeSlabGAM 1.1-19 (2022-06-10) ---------------------------------------- * BDR told us to use interp instead of akima to avoid its restrictive license * changed to MIT license spikeSlabGAM 1.1-18 (2022-05-27) ---------------------------------------- * update for keeping up with CRAN checks: use a pre-compiled, static PDF vignette spikeSlabGAM 1.1-17 (2022-05-25) ---------------------------------------- * update for keeping up with CRAN checks: Rd formatting spikeSlabGAM 1.1-16 (2022-04-12) ---------------------------------------- * update for keeping up with CRAN checks: USE_FC_LEN bullshit * switch vignette to knitr * switch CI to GH actions spikeSlabGAM 1.1-14 (2018-09-17) ---------------------------------------- * major bug fix to correct computation of DIC and fitted values (thx, Bettina Gruen) * update for keeping up with CRAN checks: registerRoutines spikeSlabGAM 1.1-13 (2018-05-15) ---------------------------------------- * maintenance update for keeping up with increasingly finicky CRAN checks spikeSlabGAM 1.1-11 (2016-02-26) ---------------------------------------- * maintenance update for keeping up with ggplot2 2.0 spikeSlabGAM 1.1-10 (2015-09-28) ---------------------------------------- * fixed parallelization for Windows (thx, Hairong Gu!) spikeSlabGAM 1.1-9 (2015-07-22) ---------------------------------------- * updated plot functions for gridExtra 2.0-0 * changed license to CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 spikeSlabGAM 1.1-8 (2014-11-26) ---------------------------------------- * changed license from CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 to GPL-3 * updated parallelization code since package "parallel" is now part of the base distribution