0.1 -> 0.2 Added function for power for F2 intercross 0.2 -> 0.3 Corrected function for discount factor for F2 intercross. 0.3 -> 0.31 Corrected F2 power function and detectable effects function. It was not doing the right thing for non-zero marker intervals. Analytical error. 0.31 -> 0.32 Changed the dominance coding to be consistent with Karl's R/qtl. 0.32 -> 0.80 Major changes; too many to document. Changed syntax of many commands. Deleted the simulation commands. Made the whole package more practical. 0.80 -> 0.81 More complete documentation. Corrected bug in powercalc wrapper function. 0.81 -> 0.85 - Changed alpha to sel.frac in all arguments to minimize confusion between alpha, the level of a test, and the selection fraction. - Changed the name of the function "optalpha" to "optselection". - The functions "powercalc", "samplesize", and "detectable" now accept the arguments bio.var, gen.var, and bio.reps directly; it is not necessary to call "error.var" any more. - The functions "powercalc", "samplesize", and "detectable" now output the percent variance explained also. - New function called "prop.var" which calculates the proportion of variance explained by a locus given the cross type, effect, and error variance. 0.85 -> 0.90 - Added the functions to calculate genome-wide thresholds and tail probabilities for genome scans using Poisson approximations. - Changed search interval for detectable effect calculation. - Renamed bio.var env.var in powercalc(), and error.var(). - Changed genome length argument to G from L in thresh() and tail.prob(). - Changed the units to centiMorgans from Morgans for genome length and marker spacing arguments. 0.90 -> 0.91 - Partial argument matching no longer allowed in optimize, optim, uniroot, nlm, and integrate. Changed functions to reflect that. https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-devel/2007-May/045791.html 0.91 -> 0.92 - Add the ci.length function for calculating confidence interval lengths - Replaced optim by optimze in optspacing function for the 1-dim optimization; works better - Added functions for selective phenotyping (from Brian Yandell) 0.92 -> 0.93 - Added citation information. - Fixed manpage formatting. 0.93 -> 0.94 - Changed license to generic GPL. - Added citation information. - Bug fix in optspacing(). 0.94 -> 0.941 - Deleted duplicate CITATION file. 0.941 -> 0.95 - Added NAMESPACE file to be R 2.14 compliant. 0.95 -> 0.951 - Updated email address. 0.951 -> 0.952 Thanks for Karl Broman for help with these updates. - Fixed DESCRIPTION file, suggests qtl package. - Fixed CITATION file. - In thresh.R, spell out all arguments to pchisq() - In NAMESPACE, dd importFrom() for various stats functions 0.952 -> 0.953 Small changes to conform to CRAN regulations.