mplot 1.0.5 [2019-03-02] ------------------------ * reduce reliance on bestglm as it appears to be no longer maintained mplot 1.0.3 [2019-02-13] ------------------------ * Fix for plot.bglmnet with min.prob in mplot * Resolve warning messages around exporting objects mplot 1.0.2 [2019-01-22] ------------------------ * Compatibility update with a new version of dplyr. mplot 1.0.0 [2018-02-13] ------------------------ * Version 1.0.0 release to coincide with appearance of Journal of Statistical Software article. * Documentation updates. * Examples simplified so that run time of each is <5 seconds mplot 0.8.2 [2017-11-26] ------------------------ * The bglmnet function has been been re-written * Added boot_size plot option for bglmnet objects * Vignettes removed, replaced with pkgdown website mplot 0.8.1 [2017-11-18] ------------------------ * More sensible nbest parameter behaviour in the vis function. Now nbest = "all" reverts back to nbest = 1 for models with more than 15 parameters. This can be overridden by specifying an integer, rather than specifying "all". For large model sizes, if the number specified is too large, it will lead to memory overruns and failures with dependent packages. * Fixed vignette/pkgdown issue where there were multiple vignettes created with the same name. mplot 0.8.0 [2017-11-03] ------------------------ * Random seed parameter for reproducible results * New website * Small fixes for JSS article (e.g. googleVis axis padding) mplot 0.7.8 [2016-08-17] ------------------------ * reimplemented classic plots in ggplot2 * classic plots are now default (reviewer feedback) * improved documentation - more detail about procedures - more detail about plotting methods * fixed the passing of weights for weighted models * can now obtain full loss v dimension which="lvk" plots for glms * vis() default is now nbest="all". * experimental support for glmulti as a backend instead of bestglm for glms for the vis function. This enables users to enforce marginality constraints. mplot 0.7.6 [2016-05-20] ------------------------ * maintenance, larger update coming soon mplot 0.7.5 [2015-11-05] ------------------------ * added fev and wallabies dataset mplot 0.7.4 [2015-10-10] ------------------------ * added tag option to googleVis plots to facilitate easier plotting in rmarkdown documents. * citation updated to reference arXiv article * bootstrapping glmnet (bglmnet) function refined and added to the mplot() shiny interface mplot 0.7.1 [2015-09-09] ------------------------ * Fix for undefined globals (CRAN submission) mplot 0.7.0 [2015-09-08] ------------------------ * Release to coincide with JSS article * Implements "all" for vis function * Improved blmnet plots * Consistency with interactive plotting methods * Improved documentation mplot 0.6.5 [2015-07-11] ------------------------ * Numerous refinements including consistency of style between the classic plots * ylim argument for classic boot and lvk plots * legend.position argument for classic af plots mplot 0.6.0 [2015-06-10] ------------------------ * First CRAN release * Reimplemented vis function to avoid massive memory use for moderate model sizes. Now runs much faster and leaner. mplot 0.5.5 [2015-04-10] ------------------------ * mplot interface now uses shinydashboard * the scatterplot matrix from the mplot shiny interface has now been spun off into its own package: parisD3 * issue with zooming on transparent reported to GoogleCharts - the workaround is to not use backgroundColor = 'transparent' until it is fixed at the source mplot 0.5.0 [2015-02-01] ------------------------ * Limited robustness via screening. * Weights now get passed through in the adaptive fence. mplot 0.4.9 [2014-12-05] ------------------------ * Changed parallel backend for af() from doMC to doParallel which should work for both unix-like systems and windows. * Added redundant variable to vis(). * Fixed issue with deparse(model.formula) when the model.formula was too long for deparse to cope with. mplot 0.4.7 [2014-11-10] ------------------------ * New data sets: diabetes and artificial example mplot 0.4.6 [2014-10-15] ------------------------ * First public version