V. 1.5.9 ------ - Added custom choice of pvalue threshold in mic_strenght function V. 1.5.8 ------ - Solved bug in choosing measure for mine_stat function - Solved default parameter handling for NA in the mine_stat function V. 1.5.7 ------ - Included new versione of libmine - Solved memory allocation issue causing i386 system error - Improve memory handling R interface V. 1.5.4 ------ - Added function for the mictools pipeline - Updated parameter in mine function (adding tic_e normalization) - Improve extraction of one variable at the time - mine_compute_pstat -> pstats - mine_compute_cstat -> cstats V. 1.5.0 ------ - Added support for extracting only one statistic without computing all of them - Update documentation - Added gmic and tic statistic - Added helper function to compute pairwise statistic of features in a matrix - Added helper function to compute pairwise statistic between features of two matrices V. 1.4.7 ------ - Added new mine estimator V. 1.4.5 ------ - Improve NA control in input - Added support to GMIC and TIC from upgrade of the original paper - Added citation for the package V. 1.4 ------ Added parameter epsilon to the computation of MCN measure v. 1.3 ------ Update core function for mine computation High speed improving v. 1.2 ------ * added measure MIC-R^2 v. 1.1 ------ * mine script optimized avoiding indexes preallocation * computation of maximum number of clumps fixed * now R>=2.14 is required: the Windows version will work only for 32 bit version available for R>=2.14 v. 1.0 ------ * minerva has been released